Journal Entry # 100...yay!!!

Nov 05, 2000 00:06

I just thought that I should report that this is my 100th journal entry!! I feel so accomplished! 100 entries since July 7, 2000! Wow...hehehe...

So, anyway, how was everyone's night? I was so bummed that I didn't get to see Aja or Tim or Hayley tonight. I was gonna call you, Aja, but I so forgot the last 2 digits of your number, so I couldn't. Tonight wasn't that eventful...I felt really bad about not being able to bring Kyle, but it's ok because tonight wasn't really that exciting, anyway. I almost fell asleep while walking through JCPenny's, Walden Books, and Wal*Mart. We saw Ainsley and Dan, which was kewel. I was gonna buy my mom a birthday present, but I have no idea what to get her. Then we went down to David's house, which was OK for a little while until David and Angela were having problems over the phone. Both of them are really hurt right now and I don't feel like going into it here. Then, as we were leaving, I snatched Tom's ring from David's dresser, which will make him freak out when he realizes it's gone. There's only one problem...while we were at David's, I pretended that I got it stuck on my finger...then I put it on a different finger when I got home. Crisis!! It's really stuck now! Luckily, it's not to the point where it's cutting off the circulation...but it is stuck pretty good! Augh! Oh, well. It'll come off...eventually. But, anyway, that's all for now. Talk to you all later.

(P.S.--While were at the mall, I noticed a new store!! It's a lawn knome store!!!! All it sells are lawn ornaments--mostly lawn-knome type things!! Augh!! Just thought you should know!)


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