Feb 26, 2004 13:25
I don't know if I've actually told everyone what they're buddy sounds are as they sign onto my buddy list. I haven't gotten one for everyone yet, but they make me smile. And dude, if one sounds insulting...don't be offended, it's just a joke. They make me smile though. (And all of the sounds are Buffy quotes.
Aja - Buffy: "That might be the best thing I've ever had in my mouth!"
Candace - Anya: "Come share in the joy of our groove thang!"
Ian - Giles: "We need to arrange the candles. Also, we should continue to pretend we heard none of the disturbing sex talk."
Jon - Xander: "Hi! For those of you who've just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person."
Justin - Buffy: "Hi! I'm an enormous slut!"
Sarah - Anya: "No, no, no, it's an omen! It's a higher power trying to tell me through bunnies that we're all gonna die, oh God!"
Paul - Giles: "I'm-I'm down with the new music."
Alicia - Spike: "Bloody hell, woman! You're cutting off my circulation!"
Buffy: "You don't have circulation."
Spike: "Well, it pinches."
Stacey - Willow: "A doodle! I do doodle! You too, you do doodle, too!"
Tim - Willow: "He's our grown up friend--not in a creepy way."
Abby - Buffy: "Oh, I'm not really into porn. I mean, I'm trying to cut way back."
Adam - Spike: "Is everyone here very stoned?"
Bob - Buffy: "Giles, help! He's gonna scold me!"
Tiffany - Buffy: "Don't you hate her?"
Willow: "Yes, with a fiery vengeance! She picked on me for ten years. Vacuous tramp."
Steffie - Spike: "Get up, get out, get drunk. Repeat as needed."
Emily - Cordelia: "Dorkhead!"
Xander: "Dorkhead?! You slash me with your words!"
Gigi - Buffy: "Note to self: Religion--freaky."
Meghan H. - Anya: "I have finesse! I have finesse coming out of my bottom!"
Taryn - Faith: "That was great. I gotta shower."
Alyssa - Buffy: "What about homeschooling? You know, it's not just for scary religious people anymore."
Mike G. - Oz: "I mock you with my monkey pen!"
Liza - Giles: "Well I'm not dead or unconscious, so I say bravo for me!"
Tawi - Buffy: "That was about equal parts protecting me and copping a feel, right?"
Lindsay - Buffy: "I feel an attack of dumb blonde coming on."
Libby - Buffybot: "Oh, Spike! You're the Big Bad! You're the BIG bad!"
Meghan M. - Willow: "Don't interrupt me! Insignificant man!"
Caleb - Buffy: "Do we really need weapons for this?"
Spike: "I just like them. They make me feel all manly."
Amanda - Anya: "Hey, you! Have a nice day!"
Seth - Spike: "No need to thank me! I'm just the one who beat him off! (pause)Repelled him would have been a better phrase."
Dana - Willow: "That's me as a vampire? I'm so evil...and skanky...and I think I'm kinda gay."
Woody - Giles: "Stop whatever you're doing. You smell like fruit rollups."
Jake T. - Buffy: "I just love it when you take charge, you man, you."
David - Willow (as Anya): I like money better than people. People can so rarely be exchanged for goods and/or services."
Mike from St. Mike's - Spike: "I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it."
Eric - Giles: "Um, well, we listened to agressively cheerful music, sung by people chosen for their ability to dance. Then we ate cookie dough and talked about boys."
So yeah...I'm still sifiting through my sound clips to find perfect ones for people. More will come. But yes, every time one of these people signs on or comes back from away, I am extremely amused.
And really bored right now, if you couldn't tell.