Dec 02, 2003 23:17
Aja7682: *deep breath*
Aja7682: OKay.
Aja7682: I, The great and wonderful Aja, Head Grand Mistress Turtle, and Whom must be consulted before new turtles are created, give Aaron, Former grand Turtle of Central Vermont, the New title of All-Turtledom Ruler of The Greater Burlington Area, specializing in the UVM community. His responsibilities will remain the same, but transferred to his new locale. Failure to comply will result in severe punishment.
IThinkiMayBeNuts: I, the super and fantastic Aaron, Grand High Priest of the Order of the Turtle, Greater Burlington Area Chapter, second only to the Grand High Priestess of the Order of the Turtle, Aja, do hereby accept this new position with much grace and prestige.
Aja7682: Honors have been bestowed upon you in good faith. Use them wisely.
IThinkiMayBeNuts: I will. Thank you.
IThinkiMayBeNuts: Great and Exhaulted One, if I may make a suggestion?
Aja7682: hahahaha
Aja7682: dork.
Aja7682: yes?
IThinkiMayBeNuts: Spaulding High School is without a Grand Turtle since my graduation. I ask permission to name a new one, complete with All-Mooing Ones to assist.
Aja7682: hmm. Good observational skills, Aaron the Fantastic. Permission granted, pending my approval of chosen candidates.
IThinkiMayBeNuts: Alicia as Grand Turtle, Seth and Tawi as All-Mooing Ones...they have all been inducted to the Turtle Order, and Alicia was one of my All-Mooing Ones
Aja7682: Ahh. Good line of promotional order. Permission Granted. Extend my blessings to the newly-inducted Herd of Turtles.
IThinkiMayBeNuts: I shall.