As of today, my future husband and I have an address California!! We were approved for a small two bedroom/two and a half bath townhouse in Glendale, a town between Hollywood and Burbank. It's about five miles from the Burbank Airport and four miles from North Hollywood. I am VERY excited. It's small (992 square feet) but it's exciting to actually have an ADDRESS!! Yes, I can give potential employers my new California address with the apartment number and everything!
It has a front entry and back entry with a really big patio downstairs. Fortunately I am able to bring my grill to California as well, (but it was stolen from Elliott's parents backyard so they are buying us a new one). It's going to be really nice. So if anybody wants to come and visit LA but they don't want to spend $$ on a hotel, we have an extra bedroom!
It's going to be fun!
Oh yeah, and I graduated this past weekend.