(no subject)

Apr 19, 2009 16:13

I think I did this meme once long ago, but it can't hurt to do it again.

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

hungrybookworm asked for:

I enjoy Zero Punctuation, probably all the more knowing that Yahtzee's video game tastes are completely opposite to mine. This is from the TWEWY review, and is discussing the alien race of JRPG fans. I find it rather apt, since indeed I like JRPGs and find spreadsheets very entertaining. I have definitely made many for fun. Thus, my gaming icon.

That scene was hilarious. Ashura was adorable, Kendappa was crazy, Yasha had no idea what was happening...This is my icon for confusion and amusement together, an important emotion to express in an icon.

Kuruizaki no Hana - an obscure manga I really like. This is more of a decorative picture from the story. Mizuki Hakase has a really distinctive, interesting visual style, so I wanted an icon from something of hers. This is my icon for unhappy feelings, mostly.

Doesn't everyone need a gleeful icon? Mine is a rainbow-y Ashura. Ashura is great for expressing emotion that way (see mood theme).

Mother 3 is an awesome game which people not opposed to pirating games unreleased in English should consider playing. I felt that the group's expression here strongly conveyed that feeling of "I'm simultaneously really amused and kind of freaked out," which is another response I often have to things. That wasn't precisely what the scene was, but it works.

I've finished Harvey, my last high school play. It's a sad thing, I don't really know how I'll get to act once I'm not in school, no matter how I love it.

On a fandom front, I'm still watching Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann with Michael and Prince of Tennis with Alex. I tried reading the manga for Prince of Tennis, but I found it lost a lot of its amusement value without the way they animate things to attempt to make tennis visually exciting. We're through the first 24 episodes, and it remains hilariously ridiculous. As for TTGL, it's awesome. I love Simon and Nia so much.

I beat Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World and have become a heretic, because I actually liked it more than the original game. The monster-training system is so fun, and it has all the great characterization. Emil, Richter, Alice, Decus, they're all good characters, and the returning Symphonia cast is awesome as always. Fully voice-acted skits are a joy. Its only drawback is Marta and Marta/Emil which I find quite horrifying. Apparently it's supposed to be not horribly creepy when the girl suddenly declares Emil her knight in shining armor, acts incredibly possessive, tries to make him into her image of what her should be rather than actually knowing him, won't talk about anything other than her desire to marry him and how ~romantic~ things are. Emil's side of the relationship seems to be based on the fact that she's a girl and talks to him. She has essentially no characterization beyond this. Hopefully people understand that I'm not someone who bashes female leads generally, so when I say that the game would be greatly improved by leaving Marta out entirely, I'm talking about how repugnant this particular character is to me. Why go from Colette (I love you Colette, how I love you) to this, Symphonia? I'm never going to get the "good" ending, that's for certain.

games, my life, meme

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