Super Late Meme

May 16, 2008 01:13

I'm finally getting around to doing this one, Lara. Be proud ;-)

Stolen from
laramoon  :
1. Reply to this post and I will pick 3 of your icons and 7 of your interests.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons/interests I chose.

HBTBB stands for "Hit By The Bren Bus," a common expression in Brendan Fraser fandom. For example, my "HBTBB movie" was The Mummy, because it's the movie where I first became his fan. This icon was kind of a pain in the butt to make, but I like it for the most part :-D

I don't even remember much about this one. I think I was on some random icon making binge, found a picture and thought it was a great picture of his arms, then threw this together. It's really not one of my favorites, I don't think I've even used it anywhere but here, but the arms are great, aren't they?

*Sniffle* Again, not my best work, but who can resist a sad Leo? The text is a direct quote from that scene, he's gone on an Elder killing-spree and is having a bit of a mental break down. Poor guy, I just wanna cuddle him.

Brendan Fraser - Let's see...well, I completely fell in love with this guy when I was about 12 and The Mummy came out. He was my world (in the way Lois and Clark is today) until about freshman year of college, when Supes started taking over. Not that he still isn't a favorite of mine. He's usually thought of as just a goof ball (and he can be), but he's absolutely wonderful in the serious movies he does, too. And I owe my introduction to fan fic to him.
Charmed - Yay, Charmed! So I didn't get into the show until a little over a year ago, well after it was canceled. I'm not entirely sure what I love about it so much. Like Lois and Clark, it's got to be the characters. They have great dynamic and chemistry and make me really care for them. And it's just fun, a nice escape from reality. Plus I adore Piper and Leo, and Julian McMahon never hurts!
Chuck Palanhiuk - Chuck is a crazy, crazy author. He's the writer of the book Fight Club was made after, actually. To demonstrate how crazy his stuff is, he wrote a short story called Guts, I wont go in to details, but almost every time he does a public reading one or more people in the audience actually passes out. I've read a few of his books so far, and they've all been great, but Invisible Monsters is definitely my favorite. It is love. <3
Dean Cain - Ah, Dean. I first saw him as Clark, of course, when I was about 7 and got into LnC. He was my first celebrity crush, and though it was sort of pushed to the back of my mind for a while, he's always been my Superman. To me, he IS Clark. And...well...the man is GORGEOUS.
Ewan McGregor - The moment "the hills are alive with the sound of music" left his lips in Moulin Rouge, I was completely smitten. This man has an absolutely incredible singing voice, and an even more incredible acting talent. I love how versatile he is, how many different projects he does. From Big Fish to Young Adam to Velvet Goldmine, he's always great.
World of Warcraft - The famous addiction. Actually, I'm not half as addicted as most people, and it can get rather monotonous, but I enjoy it anyway. At the moment I'm a level 54 Blood Elf Hunter, and I have a pet cat named Leo ;-)
Writing - Everyday after recess in 4th grade my teacher would read to us. I remember sitting there one day, listening to the story, and suddenly thinking "I could do this," and that was the day I started writing. I started with stories about my friends and I, moved on to Mummy fan fiction, some original stuff, and LnC fan fiction. It's been an on-and-off kind of thing, and it's definitely a love/hate relationship, but I suppose it's that way for most every writer. It's wonderful.


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