WTF's Up with the Weather

Oct 29, 2005 20:56

It's fucking snowing. We've got almost an inch of snow, in October, on Cape Cod, where the ocean temperatures are supposed to keep it from snowing until well into the winter season. Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the high 60'sF, and by Monday it's supposed to be in the low 70'sF. No wonder I've had a migraine for 2 days.

I'm trying to work on that Murder 2 case, but the lights keep flickering, so I don't dare open the file.

Tomorrow is Husband's birthday, just what I need, a migraine, and to be totally stoned for the whole thing.

family stuff, bitching and various rantings, wtf, migraine rantings, new england weather rantings, better living thru chemical intervention

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