Jun 14, 2005 22:34

Contact the Prime Minister right NOW --

We're in the home stretch on the equal marriage bill. Only Prime
Minister Paul Martin has the power to decide whether or not the
equal-marriage bill will be passed before Parliament breaks for summer. It is urgent
that you help send a clear message that Canadians are looking to the
Prime Minister for leadership, that he must stand up to opponents like
Pat O’Brien.

Please email the prime minister right now at Tell him:

I am counting on you to continue to show leadership on human rights.

I am counting on you to take the steps necessary to have Bill C-38
passed into law before MPs leave for their summer holidays. The debate on
this bill has been going for well over two years now. There have been
eight court decisions, a Supreme Court reference, three votes in
Parliament, over 500 witnesses at House of Commons Committees and a very
thorough public debate. 76% of Canadians say it's time to let Parliament
decide this issue.

Mr. Prime Minister, this is simply a matter of commitment and
leadership. You must stand up to those who want to prevent Parliament from
deciding. Parliament is too volatile to risk delaying passage of the bill.
You must take bold action to reflect the will of Canadians -- and ensure
this issue is dealt with now.

X-posted to: ottawasingles, ottawa, 613crew
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