Nov 18, 2008 00:00
Please read this if you are participating in the Secret Santa Gift Exchange
As of now, the Secret Santa submission post is closed.
We have 25 participants, which isn't so bad~
How things will go from now on...
In the following days (might be hours) I will randomly pick all the names out of a bag and thus will be decided who is your giftee.
I will send everyone participating an email telling them:
1) Who is their giftee
2) What they are requesting as a gift
3) Whether or not their giftee is comfortable with receiving an NC-17 gift or not.
How the Secret Santas will contact their giftee if they wish to
When all the emails will be sent, I will set up a post that will be tagged "secret santa" and every single participant will have to answer with their personal journal. The IP addresses will be turned off on that post and if a Secret Santa wants to talk to their giftee, they will be able to answer anonymously to the comment they will have made. So the Secret Santas stay... well... secret.
[Example: I am Sophie. I am Science's Secret Santa. If I need to tell something to Science, I will find the comment titled "Science" and posted with Science's personal journal and answer anonymously to it.]
This is really important because a lot of people specified "Anything with that one specific character" as a general theme, leaving the choice of the gift to a sole fandom. Secret Santas, if you do not know the fandom requested well enough to do anything about it, please contact your giftee through this post to ask them for something even more generic.
Also, whenever you answer anonymously, track your comment to be able to know if you get an answer.
And be careful about answering anonymously, too XD
How the giftees will contact their Secret Santas if they wish to
In the same post, I will post 25 comments with the titles "[...]'s Secret Santa". You must find the one with your giftee's name in it and track it, and that is how your giftee will contact YOU if they need to.
[Example: I am Sophie. I am Science's Secret Santa. Science wants to tell me she came up with another idea for a gift. Somewhere in the post will be a thread titled "Science's Secret Santa" that I am tracking. When Science answers with "OMG NEW IDEA", I receive the LiveJournal alert and can answer anonymously to Science! Is that any clear? :S]
You have until December 24th to write/draw/create/fabricate your gift. On December 24th, I will post an entry that will basically say "EXCHANGE TIME" and every single participant will have to answer that entry with their personal journal. Their Secret Santa will answer with their own journal, throwing off the 'secret' part, and write a little something to their giftee, and give the link to download/see/read whatever the gift is.
And finally, yes I will know who my Secret Santa is. Please don't make a big deal out of this, I want to participate :(
All that information will be repeated when it has to be~
If you have any questions, NOW IS THE TIME.
~secret santa