Feb 17, 2009 18:20


New pages:
1. Map: The City
2. Map: The Hive
3. Plotting Post
4. Wiki Access (locked)
5. C&C Directory (FINALLY OH GOD)
6. List of NPCs and Mod-Played Characters

New/streamlined tags:
On the basis of which page is under which category in the Directory *points up at link*. NOTICE: ALL MOD TAGS HAVE AN EXCLAMATION POINT (!) IN FRONT OF THEM. Keep this in mind.

The new tags are as follows:
>> !directory (fairly obvious, i think? for quick access)
>> !contact - for mod and mun contact posts
>> !world information - for . . . world information!
>> !ic information - yeah, this one's straightforward, too

I'll be doing more later when I am. Less. Braindead. Upcoming updates: changing the sidebars (I gots it all planned out =w=) and updating the profiles. Fuck yeah! /shimmies


EDIT: oh my shit. it's all done.

now i get to go to sleep NO WAIT JUST KIDDING ilu gaiz 8')
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