you can just see how my brain simply deteriorates through this post...

Jan 25, 2012 03:10

Hey guys! olesia here with a few updates regarding THE MOVE. We are almost done I can almost taste it though the taste is predominantly that of my own bitter tears.

● We totally have a reuseable invite code for journal creation for when switches back from open account creation to invite-required account creation. We decided it'd be best to get this out of the way now, so that should invites come back we'll be prepared.

Additionally, I've been informed directly that they don't actually have a time table for when invites will be required again, as their current rate of growth "has been within the range" of support + rate of paid account upgrades "has easily been at a level" to buy what they need to sustain.

So that's one less thing to worry about!

● The data import of entries + comments has been a success, though not without some weird hiccups. As it's a new code they've pushed, and our game is pretty big, uh. On the dreamwidth side of things,
capeandcowl has as of this writing... 157,450 more comments than capeandcowl.

Part of this stems from the fact Dreamwidth has been able to pull entries that have been deleted for years on the Livejournal side, including at least from a journal that somehow was banned outright from Livejournal itself. I have no idea what the story is in that case, as it wasn't anyone who caused problems for us directly.

The second is that for, oh, roughly four months worth of entries, the import pulled over all comments on an entry... and then pulled them all over again, resulting in hundreds of entries with hundreds of extra comments. Thankfully, the issues seems to be localized to main comm only; the comment counts on each version of the logs comm are within the same range.

Entries with doubled comments are marked, but deleting those comments is going to wait until after our final comment pull, in the dark hours of the move. This way if it triples, or we wind up with strange elder gods hanging out in our strange elder gods posts, it'll be a bit easier deleting the excess in one swoop instead of two.

● Unfortunately, your head mod is kind of hilariously incompetent and managed to erase all the entry-labeling tags from both communities, and as the process was irreversable, relabeling of that has to be done manually. There are 20,000 entries. Yeah.

Yeah. I may have spent a good twenty minutes laughing and sobbing into my tea at that point when I realized just what'd happened there. Good going, olesia. If you were a different mod you could have blamed booze, but nooooo...

Members of helpstaff are currently working to fix that mess, though I think I missed a few names when I sent out that email of "help me before I cry myself to death." If you are CURRENT or FORMER helpstaff and you'd like to engage in some soul-crushing tedium, let me know and I will set you right on that.

● The catalog of dropped characters is getting a forced overhaul in which all the journals for any given character are being listed, since between the lack of icons and the lack of unique tags for characters dropped in like 2009, there would otherwise be no way for someone backreading to know who the hell anybody was. Considering, uh, more than a thousand characters in the history of the game, three years, and a whole... whole lot of entries, this is also one of those things we're working on. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP WITH THAT, LET ME KNOW you don't even have to be helpstaff there is no password required for that, just a lot of clicking and copying shit and occasionally google.

● With regards to getting everyone situated with their journals, good news! A little over 90 members have signed off on their new accounts here ... but that leaves about 25 stragglers. Don't pretend you don't know what's going on, I see you posting. Additionally, all of them have received an email from me talking about all this, so really you have no excuse for not knowing!

>:| !!! You guys I will seriously consider you dropped if you don't do this.

● In good news!! I was going to write a tutorial here but it's two thirty in the morning and I'm this is already getting stupidly long. You can turn those Open ID (USERNAME.LIVEJOURNAL.COM) posts/comments into being posted by your appropriate DW account by using this thing. Just log into your character account, then slap in your for the LJ account you want to tie to your DW account, follow along, and viola! Suddenly your old threads will have icons and shit again. This means the transition? Will be really fast. So fast. It's going to be awesome.

An Open ID can only be taken by one Dreamwidth account.
You can tie multiple Open IDs to a single DW account. So, if you used two or more journals for the same character in game, your DW account can take credit for all of them.


okay what else

● because account creation is going to keep going on, we're going to remain an app-by-comment-reply game. but due to REALLY NICE FEATURES, we're going to start requiring that the full text of the application be posted in comments. This is because, one, a single comment in Dreamwidth has a higher character limit than three on LJ, and two, you can reply to your own screened comments. Without unscreening it! I just keep sparkling at all these features I am so excited for when this moving mess is over there is literally no person more anxious for this to be done with than me okay

● as of right the fuck now, goshdarnspam is not accepting new entries. You can continue commenting, but all new posts / memes are going to go take over
goshdarnspam. Porting over comments as this posts! That will probably take a few hours if not days but whatever. Yes you can start dicking around in spam for a bit before the main game is ready I am high on power and sleep deprivation i am unstoppable

Finally, if all goes according to plan and I don't die in the meantime, we will be getting people membership into the main communities over the weekend and the move will be complete by the start of the month.


oh yeah also whoever bought paid time for DW C&C: thank you ♥!!!
now just to con someone into buying starbucks gift cards so my caffeine veins don't run dry

i will probably apologize for this at a sane hour
but until then

somebody order me a pizza, so what if it isn't spam, living on caffeine, living at a starbucks, i am breaking the tags because i can, !modpost, no this was actually olesia's fault for , olesia this isn't tumblr, what the fuck tags even go with this, setting sail for dreamwidth

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