Jan 23, 2012 01:23
So hey! This is Betsy, Max Gibson's player, bringing in Rachel from the Animorphs series! She's from relatively early on in the series (just after book 22) so she isn't a total Blood Knight yet, but she's definitely on the slippery slope towards it. Also 13. Or possibly just turned 14. The timeline can be confusing. She likes shopping a lot, and being sarcastic at people.
Powers-wise, she's a shapeshifter with restrictions and stuff! I don't have a permissions post up for her because I can't imagine that she'll need to borrow human DNA often and if so I will always ask if it's okay first. Pop culturely she knows the names of a few prominent comic book characters like, y'know, Batman and Spiderman, but that's about it.
uhhhh I am still on unofficial hiatus, so tags may be slow but I'm going with the theory that sleep is totally unimportant and unnecessary and I'd like to go ahead and intro her now because waiting 'till I get home will be pushing it kind of late.
also as ever I can be reached on AIM at oakashandwillow