*pulls off face*

Dec 21, 2011 04:26

Hey guys! olesia here. As I'm sure most of you have noticed, LJ recently rolled out Yet Another Badly Planned Update, this time mostly centering on the Comments Page. This, as you know, is the page where the bulk of RPing happens, and basically they made the page fucking unusable for us. Things they changed that affect us include, but are not limited to:
*eliminating the subject line
*making it practically impossible to select icons
*doing really weird reloady things
*eliminating the subject line
*other stuff I don't know about.

Staff claims that they will eventually roll out an option that allows journals to opt back to the old style, but considering that this is LJ, the likelihood of that coming out before the new year seems pretty low. As such, the communities are being swapped over to a custom comment page style until such a time as we can have our useful comment page back.

PLEASE NOTE: THE CURRENT STYLE IS THE "OLESIA THROWING SOMETHING TOGETHER AT FOUR AM" VERSION. This is not a final product. I am positive there are going to be really stupid colors in places and things that are broken and other such things. For example, I'm not satisfied with the colors (I want to go back to a dark-on-light instead of light-on-dark) and this is pretty much the worst combination for those characters who utilized font colors. Additionally, the subject line isn't noticeable enough, hyperlinks look dumb, it is impossible to tell the difference between visible comments and screened comments, and it might just be me but it feels like the pages take longer to load... but it's four am and my head hurts and I can't look at this anymore.

I personally will not be available until tonight (Wednesday evening PST), assuming work is not immediately followed by family commitments. (PS I'm on hiatus.) Additionally, I am not at all skilled with CSS, and mostly just fuss around with codes other people have made. There are already a lot of things I want to fix, but have hit walls on, so anything that's broken is my fault. A couple of our lovely, far more capable members have volunteered to help, so I am hopeful we'll have something better in the next few days.

Until then, thank you for your patience!

have i mentioned i hate livejournal yet, head mod never shuts up

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