So! Hi. A while back Terezi and Nepeta discussed getting together for a good old fashioned RP like they used to do! (Which is still a thing that I would like to do, I am now pointing to my eyes, and similarly pointing to Nepeta-mun while waggling my eyebrows in a friendly manner)
The reason I am mentioning it here is that I think it might be fun to do the same thing with a group! I know Terezi spent some time talking Kanaya into giving it a try, and I feel sure that other trolls (and possibly even kids??) would be interested too. So maybe we can hash that out here? If anybody thinks their character would be interested we can set things up ICly once we have a head count...I feel like this would be a fun thing to do. >:]
edit: Okay for my convenience and yours here is a list of characters interested so far:
I will add more if/when they are mentioned! I am thinking that at some point Terezi will make a post suggesting that they get together and do a scenario of some sort, so that can be how we get things together ICly.
The other thing on my mind involves school and the attending thereof! I know we've already taken a headcount of which Homestuck characters are and aren't attending school, but what I'm curious about is the characters who aren't.
Terezi, for example, definitely has no plans to attend school. Game policy is to play things out as you like, so I took a gander at New York's educational neglect policy (you can read it
here if you're so inclined) for ideas. Terezi actually fits a lot of the criteria for being "educationally neglected" when you don't take cultural differences into account (which I'm sure the state of New York doesn't). I'm thinking that she might be getting a few phone calls, or perhaps even end up having to sit through an interview or three about why she continually refuses to attend school. But I am also curious about how much or little other players of kid (or teen, since you have to attend school through the age of 17) characters have CPS interfere with their lives!