(no subject)

Aug 07, 2010 19:47

Okay so I'm not sure if this is even notable enough to post in OOC, but seeing as there are at least half a dozen characters who might ICly notice lol how did that even: Bruno has been MIA since the end of the robot plot. What exactly he's up to is yet to be precisely determined since there may be one or two more tag-ins, but probably sometime after the events of this log he got into a couple successive fights with some machine-bots that were slightly too much for him to handle alone, and he ended up passed out and damaged in an abandoned building somewhere where he'll either spend something like a week self-repairing or someone will find him and drag him to someone who can fix him. (Hank-mun, still interested?)

SO characters who may notice his absence include: the residents of Moonybase since he hasn't come home since Monday morning, Yuusei for obvious reasons, Bakura because Bruno will inevitably run off dramatically at the end of their log thread, Kaiba because Bruno hasn't shown up for work all week, HIM depending on just how huge of a creeper he feels like being, and maybe Cassandra if they had any training sessions scheduled IDK that's up to you Nat.

I wasn't originally planning on him being out of pocket for so long, but my dad just got his back pulled something fierce the other day so I might be going on slow-atus depending on whether he needs to go to the hospital. (It's not as bad as it sounds, don't worry.)

In other news I am extremely amused that Bruno has vanished just like three days before Kiryu's IC return to the City XD

-semi-hiatus, *plot

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