/in before tumbleweeds

Jul 29, 2010 13:41

Hey everyone! This is olesia, who never shuts up how dare she. Anyway, tomorrow I am taking my "how in the hell have I kept it running for almost two years with a really unstable power input" laptop in for repairs, which means I will be going on full hiatus with zero internet access until repairs are complete. No clue how long that will be, either!

At least I waited for most of the other moderators to come back, right?

In any case, this affects Ruka, with godmode rights to Moonybase on the whole, and Terra, with godmode rights to Gabbie for emergency purposes only.

... As well as who's going to be the sap helpful person running the upcoming Activity Check starting this weekend.
(Which, if you haven't made activity for already, please try to do so now. Especially you warning people. There are a ton of you that I don't want to see dropped when I come back :| )

So if there's anything important you need from me before I go, now is probably a good time to ask, as I will not even be checking email during this.

this was not olesia's fault for once, -hiatus (start)

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