WHAM-BAM! Closed!

May 16, 2010 05:12

WHO: Cable, Polaris, Marvel Girl, Deadpool. Gambit and Scatty?
WHERE: Los Padres National Forest, California, USA.
WHEN: Sunday morning, 10 AM.
SUMMARY: Cable's crew gets deported. Fists, yelling, and girl-on-girl goes here.
FORMAT: TL;DR and then quick!

It's oh so quiet. It's oh so still. I'm all alone and so peaceful until... )

† lorna | polaris, scathach | the shadow, † rachel grey | marvel girl, wade wilson | deadpool, † nathan summers | cable

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spadassin May 16 2010, 22:07:00 UTC
They had, more or less, been dismissed by their temporary leader. As much as Scathach wanted to just take her time going back to the City, she knew that time was key to keeping her whereabouts secret; Scott would certainly be upset if he knew she was there, let alone Josh. She might end up telling the latter eventually, but not until this entire mess had been cleared up. He was still too young, she thought, to understand why she'd put herself and the others with her at risk in that way. So she jogged, purposely not going as fast as she could simply because she wasn't truly looking forward to returning.

A now-familiar scent caught her attention, though, and she couldn't resist bending her steps towards the source.

The other woman's green hair blended nicely with the foliage around them, but she was still quite visible to the vampire. Scathach cleared her throat, announcing her presence well before she was within frightening range, and slowed as she approached. The redhead raised her hand slightly in greeting; she knew that she and Lorna still weren't on the best of terms, but she thought that overall the trip had done them good. Somehow.

"Hey," she said, her Irish accent just a tad more pronounced than it had been earlier. Stress could do that to a person.


apocalypsewench May 16 2010, 22:11:11 UTC
Lorna whirled around, magnetic fields showing her Scathach's appearance before her eyes could. She frowned, thinking about Alex almost instantly. She and Scatty were not on the best of terms, it was true, but Lorna had barely thought about her since she and Alex broke up. Since they weren't together anymore, a lot of the resentment Lorna felt towards her was practically gone.

Stiffly, Lorna spoke. "Hello."

She was pleased no one on the mission had been hurt, but she couldn't help the anger that was boiling inside her. Lorna had far too many issues at this point in her life, and sometimes hanging onto her sanity was almost a job.


spadassin May 16 2010, 23:35:53 UTC
The older woman could nearly taste the other's stress, and she slowed her walk even more, regarding her curiously. Unable to read her mind (that had never been her particular area of expertise), she automatically assumed it was because Lorna still held some large grudge against her for being with Alex. The redhead blinked slowly, head tilting to the side.

"The mission went well, yes?" she started, casually enough. "We did what we were meant to." In her book, that was a very definite success.


apocalypsewench May 16 2010, 23:39:00 UTC
"We still were captured," Lorna pointed out, with a slight eye roll. Of course Scathach and Remy had scampered off in the middle of that, so Scathach probably couldn't comment on it. "But I suppose, all in all, it was something of a success."

It didn't make her feel better, however.


spadassin May 16 2010, 23:46:15 UTC
The Shadow nodded in acceptance of the unsaid sentence; she had escaped with Gambit because it had seemed prudent that at least a few members of the team were waiting to assist, unhampered by shackles, in case something had happened to the rest in capture. They had followed the van the entire way to the forest, Scatty's nose sharp for the scent of blood and her senses attuned to feelings of hostility.

They were, of course, considered to be "at large" now, which was not something she had anticipated. But, at least, none knew their identities.

"Something troubles you," she said after a short pause. Scathach didn't have to be an emotion-eating vampire to sense Lorna's spiraling emotions. She didn't know Lorna very well at all--and might have even held something of a bit of jealousy herself--but that didn't mean she had to be outright rude. "Perhaps I can help?"


apocalypsewench May 16 2010, 23:49:28 UTC
"I doubt it's something you can help with," Lorna commented, eyeing the woman cautiously. What was she supposed to say? That she wished she could kill the people who held them in shackles. The people with the power dampeners, oh how she would have liked to hurt him. "Just thinking back to a select few memories, I suppose."

Of humans. Of Genosha. What all of this was going to lead to if they didn't do something.


spadassin May 17 2010, 00:29:42 UTC
The memories, it seemed, weren't very pleasant; but then, how many pleasant memories could a person have when the world was in such a state? She nodded, understanding. "Sometimes talking about it can help," she offered. She didn't expect Lorna to accept at all; they really hardly knew each other. But it felt right to offer, even if she probably wouldn't get a positive response.


apocalypsewench May 17 2010, 00:34:49 UTC
"It's fine," Lorna waved her off. Not even with people she cared about did she like talking about those memories with. Not even Alex had she ever. Charles knew, and so did Annie, but that was only because they'd gone inside her head. "Some things are better left unsaid, anyways."


spadassin May 17 2010, 00:45:07 UTC
The short words were enough to dissuade the Warrior from asking any more questions. However, she couldn't help but still feel the need to continue the conversation. "I suppose so," she mused. "Though, those memories are a part of us, and we can never be rid of them."


apocalypsewench May 17 2010, 00:48:24 UTC
"I know that," Lorna stated. She wondered what was the older woman's interest in her well being, so instead of asking, Lorna decided to force the conversation of her emotional state. "Alex and I are not together, if you were ever wondering."


spadassin May 17 2010, 00:55:40 UTC
That would have made Scatty pause in her steps, if she had been less controlled. But, as it was, she just tilted her head back, looking up at the treetops; only a bit of light filtered down through the leaves, and she liked the way it appeared like the stars. Nighttime had always been her home.

"I did not think you were," she said lowly. Time to be frank, apparently. "Though, I expect he will ask to be with you again within the next few months." She paused for a moment before continuing; whether or not this was what Lorna wanted to hear, she'd tell her. "I felt him falling out of love with me," she said. "I don't think he really ever did love me, though. Not the way I thought he might. Of course, I wouldn't know--I've never felt that particular emotion, myself. But I could feel that he wanted someone else, and I knew it was you." There was no pain in her voice, no anger; just a calm acceptance. It wasn't the first time she had been spurned, and it likely wouldn't be the last.


apocalypsewench May 17 2010, 01:03:36 UTC
"Don't beat yourself up about it," Lorna said, actually being nice to the woman. "Alex just---well, he's something of a moron. He never knows what he wants, not really."

Ignoring that possibility of Alex wanting to be with her, too. Lorna knew it on some level, but she was not having that conversation, and she didn't want to think about it.

Though, she couldn't help the small flicker of pride. She liked when Alex was single; it was just better that way.


spadassin May 17 2010, 01:09:52 UTC
That pride didn't go unnoticed by the Shadow; she hadn't meant to, but she had subconsciously attuned herself to Lorna's emotions and, well, there it was. Mentally, she bristled; there was plenty of reason for this woman to be smug about their break-up, as she'd predicted it, but that was no reason to rub it in her face. Perhaps the redhead was overreacting, but she had never been known for her controlled temper.

"He knew exactly what he wanted the moment you arrived in this world," she said, making sure her voice kept the same calm, controlled timbre. Inside she was boiling, but her outside was the same as it had been just seconds before.


apocalypsewench May 17 2010, 01:13:24 UTC
Lorna had already told Monet about it, quite happily, actually, but it wasn't as if she could control her emotions here. She was happy they weren't together, and she was proud to be the cause of it. However, she tried to push past all of that and at least be a good person. For Alex.

"You really are better off, you know," Lorna decided. "But I am sorry if he hurt you. I do know what it feels like."


spadassin May 17 2010, 01:21:40 UTC
Self-control only lasted for so long. Scathach's fingers curled minutely, twitching against reaching for one of the weapons strapped around her body. She knew what it felt like? No, she didn't know what it was like to be so acutely aware that the person who had been a lover for months was no longer attracted to you in the least. To feel his affection slowly draining away, day by day, and being replaced by something more like muted disdain.

But she refused to be the one to start such a battle. Not today. "I don't think anyone is really 'better off' being left in such a way."


apocalypsewench May 17 2010, 01:28:05 UTC
Lorna noticed that, and it made her fingers spark up in a bright green. She wasn't going to attack, not right now. Scathach might have been hurt by Alex, but not like she had. This woman didn't get it. Alex and her had been lovers for years and one little slip up of some sort of faux telepathic love link completely obliterated that. In her time of need, to add to it all. Scathach was lucky.

"Why? Otherwise, you would have just been left with him apparently just feeling for me, like you said. It's better not feeling constant hurt from that, don't you tink?"


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