Jack and Jill went up the hill, and only Jack came back down.

May 15, 2010 13:51

WHO: Jack Bauer and OPEN
WHERE: The skies above the City.
WHEN: The following takes place between 11AM and 12PM, on Friday. Events occur in real time.
WARNINGS: Possible violence, if someone gives Jack an excuse to use those guns.
SUMMARY: The Bauercopter is complete and Jack takes it for a spin.
FORMAT: Paragraph/quick.

Jill turned out to be a terrorist. )

† yusuke urameshi | n/a, jack bauer | man of the hour

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spiritgun_punk May 16 2010, 16:00:41 UTC
Flying wasn't anything new to Yusuke, not really, but helicopters were not the same as Puu. And even if he didn't get to drive it, the helicopter was cool. Not that Yusuke was going to say so, but as far as machines went, the helicopter was pretty impressive. Yusuke leaned back in his seat, stretching. If Jack looked out the window, he'd probably see Puu out there, tailing them. Yusuke suspected Hiei had appointed Puu as a babysitter to keep Yusuke out of trouble, but it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. He liked having his spirit beast around.

"So where are we going, anyways?"


ctu_savior May 16 2010, 22:18:04 UTC
Eyes hidden behind his sunglasses, Jack answered as he watched the bird follow them. He appreciated the strange creature's company; it provided an opportunity for him to test the helicopter's maneuverability against another flyer. "We're going to be doing a circuit of the City, making a scan of a few problem areas. We'll see if we can spot any trouble from the air, and if we do, we'll deal with it." As he spoke he put the helicopter into a steep climb, to see if Puu could keep up, liking how responsive the controls felt in his hands.


spiritgun_punk May 16 2010, 22:58:46 UTC
"Deal with them from the air, or you going to drop me off so I can deal with things the old fashioned way?"

Yusuke wasn't sure what kind of guns this helicopter had, but he wouldn't be averse to testing those out too. He shifted in his seat, twisting around to look out the window and watch Puu soar after them. Come to think of it, this may have been the safest way Yusuke'd spent his time in a long while. Puu was probably relieved.


ctu_savior May 16 2010, 23:04:08 UTC
"I want to test the weapons out if I get the chance, but if the situation calls for it I'll drop you off. You ever done a fast-rope from a helicopter before?" Jack didn't think he had. Maybe if it came to that he'd hand the controls to Yusuke, activate the autopilot, and drop down himself while the helicopter stayed hovering overhead. Letting the kid hover for a few minutes would be safer than risking him falling to his death.


spiritgun_punk May 16 2010, 23:14:56 UTC
"What the hell is a fast-rope?" That probably answered Jack's question for him, really. Yusuke had done a lot of dangerous and near-lethal things, but most of this stuff, helicopters and the like, was out of his depth. He looked over to raise an eyebrow at Jack, inviting an explanation.


ctu_savior May 17 2010, 00:23:04 UTC
Well, that answered that. "You lower a rope from a helicopter, clip your belt onto it, then rappel down to the ground. It's ideal for fast deployments and taking the element of surprise. I'll teach you sometime." But for now, any roping that would take place today would be done by Jack. The copter was now over a neighbourhood that reports of gang activity had been emanating from lately- nothing serious yet, only graffiti and petty thefts, but still worth checking out. Jack brought the helicopter lower and activated the cameras, looking for anything suspicious.


spiritgun_punk May 17 2010, 01:27:48 UTC
"But I'm not wearing a belt." Although it sounded doable, from Yusuke's standpoint. And there was always Puu around, to catch him if he slipped. Surprise wasn't typically something Yusuke employed in attacks. His enemies could usually hear him coming a mile away. He leaned over to look out the window, half-hoping for some sort of action to present itself.


ctu_savior May 17 2010, 22:48:55 UTC
"Which is one of the reasons you're not gonna be doing it." Jack's hand suddenly flew to his headphones, and he frowned as the dispatcher squawked something into his ear. "Heads up, we've got a report of an assault in progress nearby, I'm taking us in." The helicopter increased its speed and dipped low.


spiritgun_punk May 18 2010, 03:14:35 UTC
If there hadn't been a very convenient robbery with the promise of either demonstration of weapons, or Yusuke getting to hope out and crack some skulls, Yusuke might have put up a bit more of a fight. Jack reminded him something of Genaki...which he would never, ever tell Jack because no man would appreciate the comparsion to a tiny old woman, even if it was a very high compliment, in Yusuke's book.

"Fuck yeah." Yusuke cracked his knuckles, grinning widely. Puu turned over gracefully in the sky, more a spectative presence than a threat.


ctu_savior May 18 2010, 21:02:37 UTC
They were down on the street below, four young men in t-shirts and wifebeaters kicking and beating a fifth on the sidewalk, right there in broad daylight. There was no one else on the street; any bystanders had fled for fear of being the next target, along with whoever had called it in ( ... )


spiritgun_punk May 18 2010, 23:05:58 UTC
Clearly Jack and his helicopter had this situation under control. Yusuke wasn't really used to combat type situations where he could kick back and enjoy the show, but apparently this was the moment. He settled for sticking his whole upper body out the window and yelling obscenities right back down at the targets. Hey, Yusuke spoke their language, even if he'd been raised in Japan. Punks were punks.

The gun was impressive. "That was...quicker than I thought." Yusuke sounded something between impressed and put out. The whole chase thing had been exciting. Crap. Hopefully there would be someone defacing property around the corner or something. He wedged himself back into the helicopter, then made to clamber over into the driver's seat. Fuck yes, a turn to drive it. "Are you going to do that rope-fast thing?"


ctu_savior May 20 2010, 03:10:21 UTC
Jack's answer was to open the helicopter's side door and drop a length of rope to the street below. "Consider this a demonstration!" He yelled over the thunder of the Bauercopter's rotors. "If anything goes wrong, comm me!" He pointed to the communicator at his waist, then pulled on a pair of gloves, attached a clip between his belt and the rope, took hold of the rope with his hands and feet, and dropped from the helicopter.

Jack hit the ground moving, landing in a crouch as he unclipped himself from the rope and drew his sidearm. He swept the street as he crossed to the victim and knelt by him.

A moment later he was yelling into his communicator. "Yusuke, he's hurt bad. Tell the paramedics to hurry!"


spiritgun_punk May 20 2010, 03:29:51 UTC
The manuever with the rope was going right onto Yusuke's list of things to learn to do. Jack made it look easy, and Yusuke might as well add jumping out of helicopters to the list of dangerous things he liked to do. It didn't look all that hard. Maybe he could practice with Puu.

Yusuke was literally touching every button within arm's reach. Turns out there was actually a pretty decent radio in here. With a CD player. Puu's hovering alongside the copter at this point, so Yusuke was shouting out a narration as to what this crap was and how fucking cool it was that he was flying a helicopter when Jack's voice came crackling over the comm.

"I'm on it." He picked up his own communicator and pressed a few buttons, and then harassed the emergency operator for a few minutes until he heard sirens, and the ambulance had come to a stop on the street below.


ctu_savior May 20 2010, 23:39:59 UTC
Once the victim and the perpetrators had been loaded onto their respective vehicles, Jack was left with the little detail of getting back into his helicopter. He clipped himself back onto the rope and comm'd Yusuke. "There should be a button on the right for retracting the rope, hit it and it should pull me up!"

[ooc: I found the Bauercopter's theme song.]


spiritgun_punk May 21 2010, 03:13:50 UTC
"Uh...okay." Yusuke looked around. He'd just punched every button, where the hell...and so commenced a ten minute search for the button that had apparently been conveniently located on his armrest. Sneaky damn helicopters. "You stop laughing." He told Puu, before pushing the button and watching as the rope reeled Jack in.

[ooc: Haha those lyrics are glorious. So fitting, I don't even.]


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