
May 14, 2010 20:40

Who Rogue stunningkiss | Gambit 52cardstud
Where Out and about for now...
When Evening 5/13 (backdated)
Warning Who knows. With these two awkwardness and angst?
Summary Rogue goes to see Gambit... with constructive intentions, during this time of high tension.
Format paragraph? :D

Wonderful timing as usual )

† anne marie | rogue, † remy lebeau | gambit

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52cardstud May 16 2010, 15:22:22 UTC
He'd been keeping himself busy. Trawling the networks for information, fixing up the smallest of things that had gone wrong with the mansion, watching the news, keeping an eye on the other X-men, their comings and goings: it was all an effort to keep himself moving. Movement meant that thinking had to take a back seat, that he could focus on the here and now instead of what had gone on in the past, and how that past was now rushing forth to meet him all over again.

Her footsteps were light enough that he barely heard her approach; the ringing doorbell, not as much. He leaped down from the ladder he'd been using to paint one of the higher parts of the wall in an adjacent hallway, then moved to open the large, double-doors the led into the second Institute. In paint-spattered cargo shorts and a wife beater, he must've cut the most romantic figure possible.


stunningkiss May 16 2010, 18:12:34 UTC
Rogue was surprised.... first of all, he was home... second of all... well... "Hey." She relaxed a bit, smiling and letting out a small laugh. How was it possible that Remy looked so darn good doing whatever he decided to do? Splattered with paint... it almost suited him. "...you always did have problems stayin' inside the lines~" She felt comfortable teasing him, resting a hand on her hip.


52cardstud May 17 2010, 16:25:42 UTC
This? This he could work with. He leaned into the frame of the door, letting out a little noise of a laugh. "What can I say, I got a need t'be unique."

He thumbed his nose, laughed again. "Ya drop by for a friendly visit, or...?"


stunningkiss May 17 2010, 17:02:02 UTC
"That's for sure." Rogue laughed softly, shaking her head a little. If anything else the way Gambit had a handle on things in the past were to attest to that... "Yeah, Ah had nothin' goin' on tonight, figured Ah'd check up on the swamp rat... y'know, make sure he isn't gettin' himself into trouble." If no one did it, someone certainly had to. She perked up an eyebrow. "Seein' as how you're busy at work though..." Rogue tilted her head to the side. "...Need a hand? Ah'm willin' to bet you got more paint on yahself than the actual walls."


52cardstud May 17 2010, 17:09:29 UTC
"I t'ink you forgettin' which one'a us helped Warren and Beast rebuild de X-man diner, way back when." He rolled his eyes, but stepped aside anyway to let her in. The image that would greet her would be one of an Institute that was in the process of major renewal, with protective tarps and building materials of all kinds strewn about here and there, the lot of it surrounded by buckets of paint, varnish, and primer.

"Mind yo' head. We in de middle a'renovations."


stunningkiss May 17 2010, 17:21:12 UTC
Rogue just smiled at him. She was giving him a hard time, she knew he was good with his hands. Stepping inside she looked around. "Wow... Ah take it back," She looked back at him. "You've been keepin' yourself busy." she brought her wrist up to her mouth, pulling off a hair tie with her teeth past her gloves and tied up her hair. "Alright, Mistah Fix-it, hand me a brush."


52cardstud May 17 2010, 17:28:07 UTC
He laughed, and did just that. Far be it for him to refuse help that came walking up to him attached to such a gorgeous pair of legs; he led her to the hallway he had been busy with before she arrived, then gestured to the half-painted wall.

"T'ink ya can handle it, chere?"


stunningkiss May 17 2010, 17:39:22 UTC
She rolled up the sleeves to her plaid, button down shirt and took the brush, walking down the hall with him. "Ah'm a tough gal~ Ah won't go breaking mah back over it." She spoke cheerfully, kneeling down to get some paint, and deciding where to start. "Ah'll take the left end and meet'cha halfway?"


52cardstud May 17 2010, 17:49:01 UTC
"Oh, chere, dat's jus' askin' t'turn dis into a competition," he teased, winking at her as he picked up his own brush and bucket of paint. "Don't go writin' checks your derriere can't cash, now."

He knew he was edging her on, and reveled in it. Hopefully she'd run with it.


stunningkiss May 17 2010, 19:46:11 UTC
She arched an eyebrow at him, "You wanna go, leBeau?" Rogue knew it was silly... she honestly didn't care about competition, or who 'won', but the playfulness of it all was a breath of fresh air. She laughed a little, getting to "her side" of the wall. "On your mark, Cajun, Ah'm about to paint circles around yah."


52cardstud May 17 2010, 19:52:23 UTC
"I'll go wherever ya wanna take me, chere," he teased, moving into "position" near his end of the hallway. "Jus' make sure ya get comfortable watchin' my backside, I hear tell it's mighty distractin' as is~"

He started painting as evenly as he could, taking his time to make sure the job was done correctly rather than with haste. Hopefully, Rogue would do the same on her own.


stunningkiss May 17 2010, 19:59:46 UTC
Rogue wasn't going to mess up all his hard work by messing up the paint job. Despite the talk of race, she was taking her time too. She started at her end with a laugh. "Oh, don't flatter yourself~" She shook her head, making nice, even strokes on the wall.

"So... a lot of work on the old institute, huh? You're not doin' it on your own are yah?"


52cardstud May 17 2010, 20:06:17 UTC
"Ain't my eyes doin' de flatterin'," he chided with a laugh, then, after hearing her question: "Yeah, it's basically jus' little ol' me doin' all de work. I don't ask Lorna f'help unless I really need it."

He smiled. "Girl has enough on her plate."


stunningkiss May 18 2010, 02:11:23 UTC
"Ah'm sure she does." Rogue hummed a bit as she worked, glancing over to him. "At least you're doin' somethin' worth while with your time." There was something gratifying about fixing something up, and unfortunately Rogue had very little to show with her time in this place other than a sizable collection of romance novels, a yoga-conscious mind, and a growing bar tab.


52cardstud May 20 2010, 20:57:59 UTC
"And you ain't?" he questioned, knowing rather fondly that Rogue was never the inactive sort. If she had so little to do here, she must've been going out of her mind. "In dis kind a'city?"


stunningkiss May 21 2010, 00:12:44 UTC
Rogue let out a breath, shaking her head a moment with a smile. "Ah know.... its drivin' me nuts... This place almost seems like Ah'd feel right at home, or at least feel like Ah'm adjusting, but Ah just feel downright lost."

She wasn't sure if it was worth explaining why. Where she came from, she just came back to the X-men... and by the looks of it, though some parts of it were the same... a lot of it was different to her. "Not that Ah haven't put use to mah time here... but sometimes its like a rectangle tryin' to fit itself into a square."


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