(no subject)

May 14, 2010 20:07

WHO: Obi-Wan Kenobi (taughttolisten) and Friends!
WHERE: A TOP-SECRET LOCATIO--no, no, Ben finally got an apartment. With actual bedrooms so no one's sleeping on a futon on the floor anymore!
WHEN: Evening, May 14th, 2010.
WARNINGS: It's a family dinner. Considering this guy's CR, somebody's gonna feel awkward about something.
SUMMARY: Obi-Wan got an apartment! And also it's his birthday, though he hasn't told anyone that because his personal life is full of hilarious fail. And also also he wants to have one really nice night with the people he loves in case he has to go to war tomorrow.
FORMAT: Paragraphonomy

He wouldn't necessarily have called the new apartment a mess, but it was proving somewhat harder than he'd anticipated to rearrange the detritus of moving into something that looked like it could be lived in comfortably. Still, he had a dinner table, and he had chairs and the proper utensils for serving a large group; the cats were settling in nicely, and best of all, there was a small bedroom for Fakir and Mytho, with twin beds and a spacious bookshelf and plenty of sunlight.

For one evening, at least, Obi-Wan was resolved to set aside the all-too-familiar thoughts of war. Tomorrow he could be the General. Tonight he wanted to be a man surrounded by family.

† carly nagisa | fortune lady, † bakura ryou | shiromadoushi, † mara jade | n/a, † luke skywalker | n/a, † obi-wan kenobi | the negotiator

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