WHO: Katurian and Takaya
WHERE: Random streets, then Katurian's apartment
WHEN: Night of May 12th
WARNINGS: Possible violence?
SUMMARY: Takaya escapes from the hospital. Katurian runs into him and decides that the answer is obviously kidnapping for the greater good. BAD DECISIONS ABOUND.
FORMAT: Paragraph
Katurian's powers had been quiet, absent from the moment he opened his eyes on the cold Porter floor (again) after taking a bullet to the head (again). He was so used to glimpsing into the lives of others that he was blind without them, but he celebrated their absence because it meant that he was free, finally free. He had no duties. He had no sad job. He was given a chance to live life as he chose it - not as a hero, but as a man gifted with life three times over.
On the morning of May 12th, Katurian's powers returned to him.
The first time he sensed someone's timeline, he assumed he was hallucinating. The second time, he lost faith in that delusion and began to panic, began to pace, began to knock chairs into walls and lose control of his heartbeat. This story was not over. This story was not over.
By the evening, he had reached numb acceptance.
He took a walk in the overcast weather, hands ducked deep in his pockets. For anyone else, a walk would be a distraction, but with all the lives humming around him, Katurian didn't have a hope of forgetting.