WHO: Angelo and Paige
WHERE: Paige and Monet's apartment
WHEN: Tuesday afternoon
WARNINGS: Cheating at board games is inevitable.
SUMMARY: Two members of Gen-X hang out in a third's apartment and reminisce about a fourth. Scrabble is involved.
FORMAT: Paragraph
it's those proper nouns you have to watch out for )
"Hi," she greeted Angelo when she opened the door. "Come in!"
There would be no alcohol tonight!
"Is it safe?" he questioned, eyes deliberately wide and as innocent as he could make them look (not very). "Poison-tipped arrows aren't gonna come suddenly shooting out at me? Lasers chop me up into a million pieces so you can serve me to M for dinner?"
He held up the bag of Chinese food in front of him like a shield.
This is what she needed. Normalcy.
... if fighting with Angelo seemed normal.
"Are you ready to lose at Scrabble?"
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