
Jan 11, 2009 20:35

WHO: Moon Knight, Ravager
WHERE: Warehouse district in Benjamin's Wake
WHEN: 11:20 PM approx, 11th of January
WARNINGS: FIGHTING. Features two mentally unstable vigilantes!
SUMMARY: Moon Knight finds Ravager, informs her that she's treading on his territory, and possibly pisses her off.
FORMAT: quicky-para-thingy!

This be my turf, yo. )

*complete, † rose wilson | ravager, † marc spector | moon knight

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kingofrejects January 12 2009, 08:24:16 UTC
Unfortunately, the assholes were preoccupied. Eager to get the one-eyed psycho that had taken out their friends no problem, one by one, they didn't even noticed the white-clad crimefighter swooping down on the roofs - landing heavily on one, throwing a crescent dart into the gun hand of another thug, and then throwing his truncheon at another one's face, breaking his nose with the force. He went after the man clutching at his wrist, first, his gloved hand crashing against his chin, throwing him into unconsciousness.

A swift kick to the temple of the man he landed on was enough to incapacitate him, but the man with the bloody nose was a trickier affair - he'd gotten his gun out, and despite having one hand against his nose, he was determined to fire - bullets careening off the building behind the vigilante. Diving to the side, the fist of Khonshu fell near a cluster of trash cans, and thinking quickly, grabbed a lid, throwing it at the man's head like a discus. Not hard enough to knock him out, but enough to distract him. Enough time to kick the gun away and hit him. And hit him again. And again.

After the scuffle and gunfire, Ravager might hear some very agonized screams coming from the area that she'd left her pursuers.

And then, with the crescent scar on all three of their foreheads, he began making his way down the alley that Ravager had raced down. There was blood on his hands and on his adamantium truncheon, and there was violence in the glowing eyes beneath his hood. He said nothing, merely continued approaching the young woman that had dared invade his territory.


ravishravage January 12 2009, 08:43:45 UTC
All that waiting for nothing, maybe? Rose could hear screaming that didn't exactly sound like a call for regrouping. More like a call for an ambulance, but...if it meant no more hassle--


She could feel something. Hear something. Footsteps before they made footfall, and the figure turning the corner before he even reached it. Three seconds.

He came into view, and she planted her feet, gritting her teeth. That was no ornery thug. But it didn't matter too much. If he was coming for a fight, she could give him one. Bring it.


kingofrejects January 13 2009, 00:01:08 UTC
Whether or not a fight would result from this, Marc's muscles certainly were aching for one. Oh, how he wanted to punish this girl. Was he the only one who paid attention to the crime bulletin? He remembered specifically asking Batgirl to keep capes out of this area, but... of course, capes don't care about boundaries, do they? Or about laws - not unless they were part of that ridiculous Initiative program.

The will of Khonshu brandished his truncheon, watching the girl - didn't seem to have any firearms, which was good. The swords were a bit of a concern, but if he was smart, he could take this girl. For now, he decided to rely on verbal threats. "I told Batgirl that this was my fight. These thugs belong to me. You have two minutes to get out of my sight before I punish you like the rest."


ravishravage January 13 2009, 00:11:59 UTC
Rose rolled her eye from under her mask. God, who did this guy think he was? Batman?

"Don't hassle me, Club-boy," she snapped. "It's been a long fuckin' day."

He was a big guy--as bulked up as Slade was, maybe more. The cape made it a bit difficult to tell. Huh. Must've worn white with the sole intent that the blood would stain--maybe scare the wusses away. If she was fast...

Oh, yeah.

She could take him.


kingofrejects January 13 2009, 00:30:51 UTC
"Not my fault you took a walk through gangland," he snapped back. The girl was young - had attitude. Probably thought those swords and martial arts moves were all she needed to get the drop on him. (And as he got closer, he noticed that half of her mask was black - did she not have an eyeslit there? Must play hell with her depth perception...)

"I'm giving you one more chance to get out. After that, I'd be happy to make your day a bit shorter." He pressed a hidden button on his truncheon - immediately, a sharp end came out, his answer to her bared katanas.


ravishravage January 13 2009, 00:48:22 UTC
"You'd try," she growled, lifting one of the blades in a defensive position, watching. Already annoyed, too; it was becoming really difficult to sit still and let this guy spew his big-boy threats. Sit still. Wait.


kingofrejects January 13 2009, 01:02:25 UTC
"If that's the way you want to play it," replied Marc. Immediately, the crescent dart hidden in his left hand flew through the air, aimed at Ravager's right hand, his intention to disable it and drop one of those deadly swords.


ravishravage January 13 2009, 01:06:33 UTC
Two seconds.

Rose flicked her left sword into action, hitting the dart and causing a loud CLANG that echoed down the alley. That was the green light. She took no time to savor her shot, springing into action, bringing her arms together to set her blades parallel, sliding on the slick concrete with her heels and making a low slash that was intended for his abdomen.


kingofrejects January 13 2009, 01:32:42 UTC
He had to give it to her - the girl had killer reflexes to bring her blade up to bear like that. And then she made her move, running and sliding towards him, trying to slice open his torso - finish the fight quickly. Those blades were definitely a hazard; with only a truncheon, he was at a disadvantage. But all he needed to do was get even one sword out of her hand, and that'd even the odds a little.

He stepped back from the attack, not far enough to get away from the blades completely, but enough for it to only graze - two thin lines of blood appeared on his stomach where the blades had slashed. It was painful, but Marc had endured worse - and now she was open. Grabbing another dart, he aimed for the back of her left hand, hoping the momentum of her attack would throw off her reaction time.


ravishravage January 13 2009, 01:40:38 UTC
One second.


She could see the dart coming, but she was sliding pretty fast--fuck ice!--so the best she could do is bring a leg forward to slow herself into a graceless fall. It didn't save her hand from getting a nice little gash through the glove.

Scramble up, shake it off. You don't get points for style anyhow. Sitting right below the guy trying to cut her fucking hand off wasn't exactly where she wanted to be.

She hoisted herself up by an arm, compensating for the struggle to get up by taking quick swings with the sword arm not occupied with maintaining balance.


kingofrejects January 13 2009, 01:56:12 UTC
From Marc's experience, one thing about hoisting two long-bladed swords was that it was all about keeping a distance between another opponent, using the two swords to deflect, disorient, and disembowel. Logically, if one were to get in closer, then she'd have less room for swinging. Just as long as none of those blades made it to her center - as long as he kept her off balance.

Springing forward, Marc parried the sword slash with his truncheon, held at a downward grip, before attempting to grab her exposed arm and twist it painfully, in yet another attempt to disarm.


ravishravage January 13 2009, 02:02:42 UTC
Two seconds.

That truncheon smacked at her blade hard enough to move Rose into a position she found better footing in. She should have thanked him.

Her eye caught glimpse of his other arm reaching out--she spun on her heel, elbow up, evading the hand and hoping to connect the hilt of her sword with the side of his face. She wasn't going to waste time hoping it'd land, finishing her turn and jumping back two or three steps.


kingofrejects January 13 2009, 02:10:07 UTC
Girl was too fast for him. Damn it. He took the hilt blow on his forehead, blinking away the explosion of pain and then refocusing - she'd maneuvered herself into another defensive stance, wise to his moves - and this ice was going to prove a problem.

Only thing to do, then, was to keep her busy. And appeal to her youthful sense of a good dare

"See if you can block these," he snarled, and threw three crescent darts - one at her head, two at her chest - before spinning the truncheon in his hand and activating the grappling hook function, shooting it at Rose's leg in an attempt to yank her off balance.


ravishravage January 13 2009, 02:18:33 UTC
Two seconds.

Had he not started such a flurry of offensives, perhaps Rose could have seen them coming three, four seconds ahead of time. Two seconds to pick the targets to evade--what was most important?

She jerked her head to avoid one, turning her body to miss another, sacrificing a shallow hit to her arm with the third. Shallow, but--"Fuck!"--it hurt.

That turn was a mistake--One second. The pushed backwards with one heel and the hook grazed her leg--Two seconds--and that hook was going back to its master. She stumbled, finding her back against the wall of a building.

He was a lot better than her. But she was faster. If she could get this over with quickly--no. Diving in headfirst was stupid. Let him move in.

She pushed herself off the wall with her elbows, spitting over her shoulder and baring her teeth at him.

"Your aim sucks!" she taunted.


kingofrejects January 13 2009, 02:33:48 UTC
"So does yours," he replied as the grappling hook came back, grimacing beneath his hood at the loss of the darts - those weren't going to be easily replaceable, and he was using them up like they were nothing on this girl. And all to teach her a lesson. Stupid.

But now they were at a stalemate. The girl was getting more cautious, now - smartening up, while he wasn't willing to go headfirst into those blades. There was something going on with her - he'd aimed the dart to her right, to take advantage of her apparent lack of an eye on her left side, and she'd been able to dodge the hook. Was there some sort of extrasensory perception going on? It was frustrating him.

But maybe he could use it against her. She had backed up close enough to that wall--maybe he could--yes.

"Let's finish this." He charged ahead, cape billowing behind him, and without warning, shot his truncheon through the air - straight past her. It was a clean miss, but the intention wasn't to hit. And if he was right, the sword-swoman wouldn't respond to the immediate threat - would write it off as a misfire, and refocus. Or so he hoped.

As he continued charging Ravager, the adamantium truncheon ricocheted off the wall, changing direction - towards the back of Ravager's head. The girl now had two threats to deal with.


ravishravage January 13 2009, 02:40:35 UTC
Three seconds.

She smirked, watching him hurl the truncheon, already seeing the angle was off. All she had to do was slide away from the wall just a bit an--


The truncheon bounced and smacked her on her blind side, causing her to trip over her feet mid-step and into clear range of his charge. She couldn't see it anymore, vision fuzzing and grip slacking on her swords. Shit. Shit!


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