I can't believe what you said to me, last night we were alone.

May 10, 2010 18:00

WHO: Raven and Rimmer. Closed log.
WHERE: Lake Placid house, their bedroom.
WHEN: Backdated to the night of this post.
WARNINGS: Heavy theological content and philosophy. Discussion of souls. Discussion of humanity and demons. A couple in their pyjamas in bed. Yannow, the usual.
SUMMARY: Rimmer is none too keen on the fact that Raven seems to ( Read more... )

† arnold rimmer | ace rimmer, † raven roth | desdemona

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ajrimmer_ssc May 11 2010, 03:05:48 UTC
And this was why he was on shaky ground in this conversation. He didn't believe in God, he didn't really believe in heaven but was absolutely positive he rated hell. He'd died and been resurrected as a hologram, with a small gap in his consciousness and...nothing at all to fill that gap.

He was firmly of the opinion that he'd lost his soul the moment he'd died, and all their discussions to the contrary wouldn't convince him otherwise. But...in spite of his disbelief, in spite of his contradictory denial and simultaneous loathing of God...he wanted rest.

A reward. Justice. Peace. Torment. Something. Not a psuedo-immortality, wandering the Earth accumulating memories until he went mad. He wanted to know it was all worth something in the end. He wanted to know that...that if it came down to it, and he and Raven were separated by the 'Porter, that he'd have something, somehow, someday to look forward to, as he took possession of a shiny new ethereal body in heaven and had her at his side.

Which seemed to require a soul, to his way of thinking, as the price of admission. So if she didn't have one, his eternal reward was kind of pointless.

And he had no way to articulate this to her. But damn it, he was going to try.

"...And what about me? What about how I'm made now? My lack is just as much a part of who I am, and yet you're trying to talk me out of it too. Why? And don't give me that crap about me beating myself up over my lack of humanity. I've seen you do the same thing. Dozens of times. You are always castigating yourself over your demonic heritage. But what about your human heritage?"


darkprophecies May 11 2010, 03:10:32 UTC
"My human heritage has nothing to do with this, Arnold. The demonic part of me controlled whether or not I got a soul, and I don't have one. This allows me to stay here, just... shift to another form and still stay with those I care about. Why wouldn't I want that? It's something about my demonic half that I actually like, and I don't enjoy people trying to take that away from me."

But that got off point... a point that was already off point to begin with, but if Arnold wanted so badly to drag himself into this discussion, then so be it. In her mind, this had nothing to do with him, but he was making it about him. Again. One of his flaws that she loved him in spite of.

"I still believe you have a soul. I thoroughly believe everything I told you. Do I have a way of knowing for sure with you? No. However I do believe it's there."


ajrimmer_ssc May 11 2010, 03:17:34 UTC
Y...eah. The ego would out. He did warn you when this relationship started, after all. Sometimes he was so myopic as to give Mr. Magoo a run for his money.

"I'm not trying to take anything away from you! I'm trying to...to give you something! I'm trying to show you that you do have a soul. Without one...well, you'd be what Starscream said. A drone. And you're definitely not one of those."

He turned to her fully, now, rubbing at his chin distractedly, his book entirely forgotten.

"But...wait, hang on, there was something Joey said. Something about how he couldn't possess things without a soul. So he can't jump into...a can of cola or something. And he's able to possess your body easily enough, you said."

It was, what he thought, his trump card, using Joey's powers to bring her about to his way of thinking.


darkprophecies May 11 2010, 03:23:27 UTC
Rather than the mention of Joey being an enlightening moment, a rather dark, dangerous cloud settled in over her eyes, and most of the color drained from her face. She had tried desperately to forget about that tie, about how that further made her point obvious to her.
Now she had to face it head on.

"He... can possess intellectual beings." she tried to choose her words carefully, but only the initial set came out that way, as the emotional tear turned into a gap at just having to talk about this subject.
"... he was fine jumping into those with souls, all right? Just fine. What happened when he began to make that link with me? I've told you all about that. I've been nothing but disaster for him, Arnold."


ajrimmer_ssc May 11 2010, 03:26:23 UTC
A sinking feeling in his stomach hit when she said that, and he felt like a complete and utter slimeball for even mentioning it. Oh. Right. The whole 'he possessed me and was then influenced by Trigon and went insane and died.'

Right. That.


"That wasn't your fault. That was your father's fault." It was a lame excuse, and they both knew it, but he had to say it. Rimmer thrived on blaming parents for problems like this, even if that particular problem was a bit out of the scope of what his parents did to him.


darkprophecies May 11 2010, 03:30:32 UTC
"Part of the way I was born. I'm part demon due to my father, and an extension of that is the lack of a soul, something I've been trying to accept about myself and turn into happiness so that I can stop disliking myself so much." every single word snapped off like an icicle broken from the limb of a tree.

"I can blame my father for everything in the world, but at the end of the day I am still a demon. I'm purified to make my own choices, but that doesn't change what I am. All of this nonsense about being incomplete, like I'm not enough precisely the way I am? It's not helping what I've tried so hard to achieve."


ajrimmer_ssc May 11 2010, 03:34:34 UTC
"But...but you...I mean, you are! I just...don't...I..."

He could hear that anger in her tone, see it in her posture and on her face. And he knew that he'd finally crossed a line with her, a line that he didn't even know existed until this conversation happened. He'd dented her pride, the one aspect of her demonic heritage that she had accepted and embraced. And here he was, trying to tell her it wasn't any good.

"I just...wanted you to love yourself..." he said inanely, seemingly at odds with everything else said here tonight. Apparently he'd made some serious mental and emotional leaps about this topic, and had subconsciously equated having a soul with self-esteem.

Which was why he said he lacked it.


darkprophecies May 11 2010, 03:37:40 UTC
"... you have a very unique way of showing it." her eyes had softened a bit, enough to let him see that she wasn't angry at him for what he was trying to do. The words pissed her off, that was all. "... I'm trying to love myself, Arnold. I need to learn to love myself for exactly who I am, not what you think I need to be."

She hadn't even realized how brutal and cold phrasing it like that was, it had just come out that way.


ajrimmer_ssc May 11 2010, 03:41:26 UTC
She never did this to him. She'd never defended some part of her demon side to him in any respect, or been so harsh with him in a serious discussion. His blow to her pride must have gone deeper than he thought, and he really felt awful, now.

"I know I stink at showing it," he said quietly. "I did warn you, Raven. I warned you ages ago. I told you I was a smeghead."

And with that, he pushed the covers aside and slid out of bed, pushing his feet into his slippers as he swung his legs over the side. He was up and across the room seconds after that.


darkprophecies May 11 2010, 03:45:56 UTC
"... don't do that..." she breathed, closing her eyes for a moment before following him out of bed, and crossing the room to him without another thought about it.

"... this is why I don't talk to any of you boys about these things. None of you have the ability to understand where I'm coming from on this issue." she wrapped her arms around one of his, pressing her forehead to his shoulder.

"I don't want to upset you all with these things."


ajrimmer_ssc May 11 2010, 03:52:49 UTC
He was right at the door with his hand on the knob, ready to go downstairs and remove himself from her presence...just to keep from making her more angry. As she took hold of his arm, he slumped again, defeated completely in this moment. He'd only wanted her to feel good about herself, and had gone and made everything worse.

"I'm trying," he said quietly. "I really am. I thought I'd be the best person to understand this, but...I don't know. I just don't know. We're going to keep talking this in circles until we're throwing crockery at each other, so forget it. Just forget it."


darkprophecies May 11 2010, 03:56:02 UTC
"... come back to bed." she took a single step back, giving a little tug to his arm. "We'll work through this, just like everything else we've ever worked through."

She gave yet another tug on his arm, and a half-step back.


ajrimmer_ssc May 11 2010, 04:00:59 UTC
Turning and looking back at her, he began to follow her into bed, helpless in the face of her now-gentle voice and hand on his arm. And as they moved, his eyes caught hers.

She was so beautiful. He could look into her eyes for hours, days, and never get tired of it. And it was in that moment he realised something important. Her own beliefs on the state of her soul were hers, and he shouldn't and couldn't change them...but at the same time, his beliefs were his own too. And he would always, always believe that she had a soul. More soul, certainly, than the monsters who raised him, the so-called friends who tormented him, the co-workers who loathed him. They all saw Arnold Rimmer and despised him; she saw him and loved him.

So she could believe what she liked, and he wouldn't ever argue this point again. He would just look into her eyes and know his own truth, like she knew hers.

He stepped closer again and cupped her face with one hand.

"I love you," he said quietly.


darkprophecies May 11 2010, 04:04:38 UTC
She smiled up at him, honestly happy to hear him say that in the face of an ongoing disagreement. Lifting herself up on tip-toe (a lack of high heels to even out more of their height to blame), she kissed him, then slipped back into bed, holding the blankets back for him to join her.

"I love you too, Arnold."

She tucked a bit of hair behind her ear.

"... and I promise, I'm not putting myself down when I talk about all of this stuff. I really am okay with it, I really do see it as a positive now that I've had time to think on it."


ajrimmer_ssc May 11 2010, 04:11:03 UTC
Clambering back into the bed, he found his book face-down in the covers. He had to take a moment to put the bookmark back and tuck the volume onto his bedside table before he could truly relax. Even when they were quarreling, the man was an anally-retentive git.

Then he just put an arm around her shoulders and cuddled her close, still sitting up in the bed.

"And I promise, I wasn't trying to tell you you weren't good enough as is. I mean it, you're wonderful as is. I'd say 'perfect' but you'd accuse me of putting you on a pedestal again."


darkprophecies May 11 2010, 04:19:03 UTC
Her shoulders shook in a soft laugh and she shook her head, unsure of what to say to that in particular.

"... if you want to put me on a pedestal, go ahead. I'll try not to get too uncomfortable about the entire thing." she nuzzled in closer, taking a deep breath.

"I... I need to stop trying to change you. I think that's what I'm doing, anyway. I keep telling you to stop doing certain things and that's not right. I do love you precisely the way you are."


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