Knock, knock, knock...

Apr 28, 2010 17:31

WHO: tooksteps & seize_power
WHERE: Red's MAC apartment
WHEN: Wednesday the 28th, afternoon.
WARNINGS: Wesker being a creeper?
SUMMARY: Wesker's paying a home visit to the Umbrella Corp's favorite AI. He's not overly impressed.
FORMAT: Viral paragraphs or highly contagious quick-logs. Most likely the viral option, we like viruses.

Cameras: ACTIVE
Threat potential: LOW
Environment systems: NORMAL
Prison status: SECURE
End scan: Y/N

The Red Queen's eyes fluttered open, the familiar disorientation from switching between her electronic eyes and her organic ones making her blink several times as she looked around her apartment. Nothing was amiss, precisely because nothing was there. The furniture had come with the apartment, the closets were almost completely bare save for some formless pull-over dresses and the bare minimum of accessories. The only thing she spent any time caring about was the home computer system she'd built in the spare bedroom, cobbled together from "purchased" hardware and programmed to emulate the Umbrella Corp mainframe that gave birth to her. With hardly an effort, she sent it a short query and nodded to herself when all her checks returned as being within normal parameters.

She liked normal. Normal meant she wasn't going to get cut-off from all external systems again, a sensation which had rendered her terrified and stumbling around her apartment in fear. Normal meant an increased likelihood of being able to sleep through the night without waking up in an adrenalin-fueled state of panic, mind reaching out to every network in her vicinity, just to make sure she still could. Normal meant she felt more like a the AI she was instead of the human she was forced to be.

A check of her internal clocks told her that as engrossed as she'd been in fixing the Jail's systems, she'd missed lunch. And with a slight reluctance she headed to the small kitchen to acquire some food. She wasn't particularly hungry, and she really wanted to finish installing her software patches, but she had learned quickly that not eating regularly had adverse affects on her ability to function at peak efficiency, so she made an effort. Most of the time.

She crossed the living room, taking care to skirt the coffee table she'd tripped on during the blackout, and entered the kitchenette intent on eating a small, but nutritionally balanced meal as quickly as she could so she could return to work.

She expected no visitors.

† albert wesker | n/a, † n/a | the red queen, *in progress

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