
Apr 28, 2010 18:29

WHO: Conner Kent and [ insert your toon here ( Read more... )

† conner kent | superboy, † kitty pryde | shadowcat

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:D <3 aww year nerds with glasses jewpryde April 28 2010, 23:18:46 UTC
[Kitty was two seconds away from beating the dork out of Cho, who was trying to take over her LIFE at Dr. B's place, and so Kitty decided that it was time for a library break. Yes, she is that much of a nerd.

She picked up a few books-- most in Japanese and Russian-- and to be honest, didn't even notice Kon even though he was literally a few feet away from her. It's not because of that Super Awesome disguise of glasses (sorry Kon) but because she was lost in her own thoughts.

Life was sucky lately. But at least she had books.]


They're so hawt. iamnotthemom April 28 2010, 23:30:14 UTC
[ Kon doesn't think it's that much of a disguise really, but he's had it pretty much hammered into him that it's both a good and necessary one. Besides, there's a certain comfort to wearing them now. Something that says downtime. At ease. And maybe things like safe and home, if glasses are allowed to mean that much. Wearing them is a continual reminder to be more like Clark. Losing them makes him think of Jonathan Kent.

He insists that he hates them, though.

Anyway, Conner noticed Kitty immediately with some sort of pretty girl radar, or something. He just looked up right when she's sitting down. He started to call her over, but remembered that whole 'you're supposed to be quiet in a library thing. He settled for balling up a clean sheet of notebook paper and throwing it over at her, so it landed on her book. ]


jewpryde April 29 2010, 02:16:09 UTC
[Kitty was basically in lala-land, half reading her book, half lost in her thoughts. It had been a very long week. She blinked at the paper suddenly in front of her and glanced over to where it had come from.

She grinned, extremely happy for the distraction. Gathering her things, she went to sit closer to Kon.]

Hey. What are you doing here? School work?


iamnotthemom April 29 2010, 02:57:43 UTC
Attempting to.

[ But he smiles when she sits down. It's an invited intrusion, and he wonders if she's the sort who will look over his work as he does it and offer comments. Sometimes, that gets on his nerves, but right now he can feel the deadline hanging over his head like a neon Vegas sign. He wouldn't mind so much. ]

I've got a paper due in a few days. What about you?

[ He glances over at the books she brought with her. ]


jewpryde April 29 2010, 14:26:33 UTC
Avoiding real life conflicts by hiding out in the library. Not to mention, books are a great distraction.

[Especially when it feels like your life is falling apart at the seams.]

I stopped going to formal school after junior high. It must be fun-- do you like it?

[She fails to mention that she didn't even really need to go because she was already taking college level courses when she was thirteen. Still, a nerd like Kitty thinks school is totally fun.]


iamnotthemom April 29 2010, 15:34:47 UTC
[ That sounds like something Tim would do. Not say, of course, but just do without telling the people he was avoiding them.

Although Kon's done it too, now that he's thinking about it. Huh.

But he just raises an eyebrow at the school thing. ]

Fun? It's... bearable, I guess. It helps to have friends in my classes. So who are you arguing with?


jewpryde April 29 2010, 15:40:30 UTC
A new co-worker. Just because he's a little smart and good with computers, he thinks he runs the place. He's an obnoxious little jerk.

[Kitty flips through one of her books absently. Was work not even sacred anymore?]

And I know you'll hear it from someone sooner or later but Gar and I are-- well, I guess you could call it "on a break". So this week has been entirely dramatic and ridiculous and I can't even catch a break when I'm at work.

[She might be pouting, just a little.]


I thought I tagged this already. iamnotthemom April 30 2010, 22:27:11 UTC
[ Oh. Kon's never had that particular problem, but he's got identity issues of his own. It's almost the same. Enough to empathize. ]

So? You just show him that you're smarter.

[ There's a pause. He's seen a rerun of that old Friends episode (We. were on. a BREAK.), and he's not really sure what the exact definition of a break is. Also, there's the whole 'he's-my-teammate' thing. If Kitty and Gar have been fighting, Kon doesn't really want to know, because he doesn't want to say anything bad about BB and have it come back to bite him in the ass. But Kitty's kinda his friend too... ]

Is something wrong? With you and Gar?


no worries~ jewpryde April 30 2010, 22:37:15 UTC
It's kind of complicated, kind of not. It's not like we're fighting or we dislike each other now or anything... I think he just needs some space to figure things out. We still talk.

[Which in itself is torture. For Gar a year had passed by, for her everything had changed in less than a weekend. If this didn't give her an ulcer, she didn't know what would.]

It's just... a downer, I guess.


iamnotthemom May 1 2010, 02:46:03 UTC
That sounds... really complicated, actually.

[ Because if you like someone and you're not fighting, why would you need a break? Kon doesn't know. He's too straightforward with things like that to ever really understand it. But he can see how it would suck. ]

He doesn't want you to help figure things out? And what things, anyway?


jewpryde May 1 2010, 04:54:46 UTC
Him having feelings for another girl... things.

[Which, again, not really his fault.]


iamnotthemom May 1 2010, 13:06:16 UTC
[ See, this is what Conner was afraid of. He knows about this, or he thinks that he does. Gar used to like Raven. Maybe he still does, but maybe Kitty doesn't know about all that. He doesn't want to be the one to tell her about it, because maybe there's a reason why she doesn't know, and Kon's going to side with Gar anyway, unless Gar's been really stupid - which is also a possibility.

But it doesn't leave him much for a response. If he can't get into specifics, then all he can do is vague sympathy, and that would never cut it for him. Although... ]

I know how that feels. Liking two people at once. It's... pretty confusing. Kinda messy. Doesn't end too well.


jewpryde May 1 2010, 18:51:46 UTC
Oh, I know. I've been there. It's not a good place to be in. So I just thought I would give him some space to figure things out, without me complicating the situation. But at the same time, I know he's been through a lot so I don't want to just abandon him.

[Needless to say, emotionally, she was not in a good place. Basically quitting her job, hanging around but not getting to be with the guy she wanted to be with-- even someone as capable and mentally strong as her would break down eventually.]

Sorry for just throwing this all at you. I'm really okay, though. I'm more worried about Gar.

[She smiles but her heart really isn't in it. Kitty doesn't want to worry anyone just because she's having some ridiculous teenage drama.]


iamnotthemom May 1 2010, 19:39:30 UTC
[ Yeah, and he can tell that the smile looks a little faked. Or maybe he just knows that it must be, that no one would be thrilled at being told 'hey, you might be my first choice, or you might be a consolation prize. I need some time to figure it out, so can you just hold yourself in emotional stasis while I decide if I love you or dump you?'

Because that's really what Kon thinks Gar is doing to Kitty with this break, even if he's not saying it exactly. Kon isn't sure he'd be patient enough to wait. ]

You're allowed to be worried about you, you know. Gar'll land on his feet. He can turn into a cat.


jewpryde May 1 2010, 19:49:47 UTC
[It was more "Let me decide so you don't have to-- you just got dumped in an extremely insensitive way, so you have lingering feelings you need to work, especially because she's marrying someone else" but Kitty didn't really want to go into details about that now.]

I wonder about that. He can be surprisingly fragile.

I wish there was someone at fault here so I can be mad at someone. The usually helps the healing process.


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