Who: Rue, and OPEN.
When: Thursday afternoon, right around sunset.
Where: Central Park, the location of approximately half of all Tutucast logs.
Warnings: Unless you have something against birds, none.
Summary: Rue takes her baby raven to the park in order to learn him flying properly.
Format: Quicklog killed my parents, so PARAGRAPH.
ghastly, grim, and ancient raven )
He didn't notice the older girl and her raven, and came dangerously close to bumping into her as he passes her. And he doesn't even bother to acknowledge that he does, completely absorbed in talking to and playing with his dog.
"Wolfgang, stop that!" Rue called as soon as she saw him bite him, but the raven went on ignoring her, determined to figure out this mystery.
Pokey took a stance too, kicking at the raven when he could and missing. "Hey! Get out of here, stupid!" the boy shouted, trying to get the raven away from his pet.
Finally, the tail had had enough and, leering up, hissed and struck out at the raven.
"Serves you right," she said. "I told you to stop."
"Hey lady, is your bird alright?" he asked.
Dynamus, being the curious little abomination he is, scurried over towards Rua and began to sniff her curiously.
"My name is Rue," she said. "Nice to meet you."
Dynamus sniffed the girls hand. It paused a moment, and sniffed again, as if it didn't understand something. It was odd; usually he just started slobbering on anyone after sniffing their hand.
Dynamus continued sniffing a bit more, hesitating for a moment and twitching its head. More slowly than usual, it began to lick Rue's hand, as if testing to see how the girl would react.
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