WHO: Bakura und Blue
WHERE: Helltowas
WHEN: Last week (two weeks ago? I FORGET. BLUE ASKED AND I FORGOT.). Eveningish??
WARNINGS: Rather sparkly, self-indulgent tags on my part, but lol come on this should be understood by now.
SUMMARY: Hey you with the hair gimme those memories >:T
Soldier Blue took lesson and courage from his encounter with the young girl named Ruka. There was much he didn't, and perhaps never would understand about this world and the people that inhabit it, let alone those that would be periodically ripped from their respective worlds and planted here as he was. A hard lesson to swallow, but it became more feasible as the days waxed and waned, and Blue could sit in the daytime silence of Yusuke's apartment and just listen to the world around him.
Courage from the experience itself. Long, paranoid years in hiding with his fellow Mu in a world where the powers of the mind were a death sentence. To be in the presence of so many that were so passive about psychic encounters, let alone encouraging them was...utterly unheard of. It took some getting used to, and still the Soldier was unsteady with these welcomings.
Regardless of his misgivings, another thing was certain. As certain as the voice and face that colored the screen of the used device Ruka had given to him. Returned, some may have likened to say. The tired eyes and quiet voice rang too eerily familiar to Blue. It was his. Or...another him. That possibility was made apparent by Ruka and others. A frustrating concept. It needed clarification.
Bakura had said that he and...that other Blue (that future Blue, perhaps?) were good friends. That he would willingly let Blue see those things as proof.
There was seemingly no chance of returning to the Shangri-La any time soon, and sitting idle gave way to that anxiety, so...
Blue sent a simple message to Bakura's device.
I'm on my way.
He took to the air high above the MAC with his hands cupped over the amplifiers on his ears. With his eyes closed the world was sound, thought, and color of the City's millions of active minds: a barrage of information from all sides with little chance of hiding. It was seemingly impossible to navigate, but Blue had come across Bakura before. His mind and energy is all his own; Blue looked and listened for it until that spark winked from a building afar. He flew to it, eyes open both to the physical and the psychic. When he became certain of Bakura's presence, he teleported the rest of the way, reappearing in a brief flash of light in the window he hovered in front of, searching inside.