Don't you just hate it when that happens?

Apr 03, 2010 22:20

WHO: Yukina and OPEN
WHERE: Out on the streets
WHEN: Saturday afternoon
WARNINGS: None for now, depends on who shows up
SUMMARY: Courtesy of a flimsy grocery bag, Yukina's groceries have spilled everywhere (or, in OOC terms, a general CR opportunity)
FORMAT: Starting with third, either is fine

Oops! )

† bakura ryou | shiromadoushi, † yukina | frost, laura kinney | x-23

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noanaesthesia April 4 2010, 12:37:13 UTC
X-23 had been running around the City's rooftops, if for no other reason than simply being able to, watching the crowds swarm below, ready to fulfil her supposed mission of dealing with crime at a moment's notice. She spotted Yukina fairly easily; a mixture of enhanced senses and brightly coloured hair made her stand out, and somewhat curious, X-23 began to follow her.

It wasn't until Yukina dropped what she was carrying that X-23 made herself known. She jumped to the ground, landing heavily against the pavement, and made a grab for the orange that had just bumped against somebody's shoe. The person in question glanced down at her with a distasteful expression, too preoccupied with acting busy to even considering helping out.

Ignoring him, X-23 picked up a few other items, and then turned to Yukia. She didn't make eye contact, kept her gaze on the cracks in the pavement below, and held out her scattered shopping to her.


maidenofice April 6 2010, 23:08:06 UTC
"Thank you, Laura," said Yukina with a little smile, using the name X-23 had gone by when they last saw each other.

She was wearing her kimono today, and pulled the fabric hanging down from one sleeve up towards her body, collecting the food she'd purchased from the quiet dark-haired girl in the make-shift pocket. Of course, she'd still have to hold onto everything, but it would make it easier to avoid dropping anything this way.

"How have you been lately?"

(ooc: Sorry for the delay, LJ was not working for me for most of yesterday!)


noanaesthesia April 8 2010, 12:51:23 UTC
She still didn't like that name, still didn't think it had anything to do with her at all, but she didn't speak up about it. X-23 simply shook her head a little in response to the question, and then almost turned to leave. Almost, until she decided that she could at least put a little effort in, and ignore her instinct to flee.

“Need help?”

[ ooc; sorry for the delay, too! I didn't get the alert ]


maidenofice April 9 2010, 17:36:05 UTC
"I should be all right," said Yukina. "But I would like some company, if you're willing."

Laura/X-23 seemed so shy. Yukina herself could be somewhat introverted, but she supposed that if a chemical had been specifically created to make the other girl kill, other things had probably been done to her as well. The best thing to do was to not pry, but to extend her hand in friendship anyhow.

"We could go for a walk and enjoy the nice weather," she suggested.


noanaesthesia April 9 2010, 17:49:07 UTC
X-23 considered it for a moment, head tilted to the side. If she was being formally asked to keep her company, then she couldn't very well deny her (or, rather, she knew that she could, technically, but couldn't bring herself to deny an order, even if it was masked as a suggestion), and so there was little she could do but nod. X-23 gave Yukina's shopping one last glance, genuinely wanting to help with the carrying, and feeling somewhat useless, with her hands empty.

“This way?” she asked, pointing in the direction Yukina originally seemed to be heading.


maidenofice April 12 2010, 02:31:20 UTC
Yukina nodded. "I can drop this off at home and then we can walk around for a while. If there's anywhere you've found you like to visit around the City, maybe you can show me and we can visit together."

Mostly, she wanted her friend to feel comfortable around her. She noticed the glance the girl gave the bundle of groceries in her arm, and considered it for a moment. Perhaps it was her own way of reaching out...and it was best to be encouraging with people who had trouble expressing themselves. She definitely understood people who had difficulty with expression - after all, her own twin didn't want to come out and tell her he was the brother she had been looking for. Yukina had figured it out on her own.

Yukina started walking, moving around just casually enough that the top two oranges in her pile of groceries dropped out of her arms onto the ground.

"Oh no, not again!"


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