Aaron's release - Backdated "like whoah"

Mar 24, 2010 10:13

WHO: shes_intense, grey1911, owwmyspine, 123youreit
WHERE: City streets
WHEN: Backdated - March 22th, evening. Soon after the conclusion of this log.
WARNINGS: Attempted vampire attack and some general heroing violence.
SUMMARY: Slade and The Major have dumped a bloodless Aaron out to cause some trouble. Titans get involved, as they arrive to help Brenda.
FORMAT: Para for ( Read more... )

jaime reyes | blue beetle, † aaron grey | n/a, † brenda del vecchio | anger girl, tim drake | robin iii

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shes_intense March 24 2010, 20:17:10 UTC
Brenda was still getting used to some little things about the city, discovering new places to shop, new routes to the places she liked to go. Today she'd found a shortcut from her apartment building to her favorite vegan grocery and was now on her way home, hands full of bags of future dinners and lunches and breakfasts and snacks.

The sound of trash cans bowling over some place behind her brought her attention around though.

She looked over her shoulder to find a sickly looking man staggering along the sidewalk, looking like he was inches from collapse. Her first thought was alcohol but as he took dragging steps closer to her he didn't SMELL drunk. Maybe he was diabetic with lousy blood sugar? Who knew, but it didn't feel right to let him just keep barreling on.

Brenda shifted her bags all into one hand and waved to get his attention.

"Hey, are you alright sir?"


grey1911 March 24 2010, 20:52:13 UTC
He froze at the sound of her voice, his entire body rigid as he kept his head down.

"Hngh. No." He whimpered to himself, turning his back to her as he pressed the heels of his palms into his eyes.


shes_intense March 24 2010, 21:18:39 UTC
Brenda puts her bags down at that confirmation, tucking them into someone's front step and moving over to the guy to put a tentative hand on his shoulder.

"Maybe you should sit down. Do you need a doctor?"


grey1911 March 24 2010, 21:33:19 UTC
He curls away from her when she reaches out, lifting his face from his hands and staring at her. His face is ashen, and he looks as if he's in a mix of pain and terror.

His eyes wander from her face to her neck, and in a moment of weakness he launches himself at her before he even realizes what he's doing.


shes_intense March 24 2010, 21:49:07 UTC
Brenda yelps, staggering back a step but he's far too fast for her to get away when she's already in arms reach.

Hi arms come around her like a vice while she struggles to get her footing and counter him. She slaps at his sides, tries to knee him, tries to headbutt him in the nose, but it's all too little too late.

She shreiks in surprise and pain as she feels razor sharp teeth rip into the vulnerable flesh of her throat


grey1911 March 24 2010, 22:39:26 UTC
The taste of blood drives away any thought of stopping his actions as he bites down. After a replenishing gulp, he stops a moment to breath as he looks down at the bloody neck of the strange woman in his arms. Slowly, panic sets in to part of his mind and his grip on her loosens as he struggles to fight the urge to continue, when he knows he should help her.


shes_intense March 25 2010, 01:39:04 UTC
Brenda is not much for this being bitten thing. She was afraid to pull away before for fear of tearing her throat open further but when he pulls away from her and loosens his grip she takes the opportunity, stepping back, then hauling forward with all her strength and socking the bastard right in the side of the face.

She feels the tingle-crack of the information transfer slamming up her arm and a hard dose of information connects with her brain like a inspiration overload. She winces, pinning a hand to the side of the now-throbbing head.

"Ah! Wh-what the hell?!"

[ooc: up to you what information Aaron has now forgotten that Brenda has gained, but I recommend a mix of innocuousness and helpfulness, maybe five things of varying degrees of helpfulness, perhaps she might need to hit him again to get all the info she needs to stop him?]


grey1911 March 25 2010, 02:44:04 UTC
[OOC: I have a little list of helpful and not-so-helpful things for Brenda to gather, but she'll be certain to get what she needs on the next hit.]

She's given the understanding that he's in the grip of a blood lust, a state that leaves him nearly mindless and hardly controllable by his own will. However, how he got this way aside from a lack of blood isn't known, nor how to stop it.

The hit connects and the effect of being drained of information is as stunning as anything else he's experienced and he takes a step back from the hit with a snarl. He's suddenly confused, uncertain why he's just attacked her, but instinct kicks in and what human part of his mind that had panicked is now preoccupied trying to figure out what just happened.

On autopilot, but a bit slower thanks to the shock, he turns his attention back to her, hesitant to attack again so quickly, but still craving. After a moment to recover, he takes another charge at her, this time with more warning to his intentions as he takes a step back before moving for her.


shes_intense March 25 2010, 05:27:23 UTC
The HUNGER that slams her is unbelieveable, the knowledge of the bloodlust and a cluster of other miscellaneous things taking up the fore of her thoughts. When he rushes her again she doesn't hesitate, anger mixing with underlying sympathy for his clear suffering. She's bleeding copiously down her neck but her punch still connects even though her vision is starting to double...


grey1911 March 25 2010, 05:45:44 UTC
His survival requires blood. Blood, or what comes to mind next, is a small vial filled with something blood-colored. It's the substitute that he's lived off of for the last few decades, and helped save his life the last time he was in this state.

He reels back as the sensation of the information being taken rocks him again, and he hunches over slightly as he backs up a few steps, eying her warily. He's forgotten why he was trying to get home, why he was trying to keep from attacking her, and while his frazzled mind works to understand what's going on, he's backing up against a brick wall.


shes_intense March 27 2010, 03:24:04 UTC
Brenda takes that backing off for what it is; an opportunity for her to get some help, because she... THINKS she knows what to do now, but she's going to need help to do it.

It isn't a conscious decision to call Tim, it's just that he was the last person she'd spoke to directly over the comm when they'd been plotting Tim's birthday stuff and it's the number she gets when she smacks the call button right away. Actually she had EXPECTED that she would get Jaime or Mark because they were her usual last-spoken-to's bu hey, Titans are titans!

She's panting into the phone, shaking out her fist, trying to keep herself between distressed vampire man and the main part of the streets where the lack of pedestrians is possibly renewing her faith in God...

"Tim? Hey, it's Brenda. Are you busy?"

[ooc: so sorry i didn't tag this sooner, had a crazy few days with classes]


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