P-Head Mansion Meeting

Jan 05, 2009 21:49

WHO: Marc Spector (Moon Knight), Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk), Door, Phoenix Wright (Truth), Steve Rogers (Captain America), the Teen Titans, and X-Force.
WHERE: January 4th, 3:30 PM
WHEN: The Avengers Mansion.
WARNINGS: HUGE AMOUNT OF TEXT. tl;dr types need not apply.
SUMMARY: Marc gets a meeting together to plot taking down Pyramid Head.
FORMAT: AIM chatlog

[Scene: Basement. Marc, Tim and Cass are there. The group's above, Cap's going out to collect them.]

Marc: *has been obsessively searching for spy-cams and hidden microphones for what is probably the third time that day*

Tim: *Did his own search earlier but is happy to let Marc go wild with his paranoia.*

Cass: *is unhappy that Tim is happy to let Marc go wild with his paranoia, but not enough to complain/object*

Marc: *looks like he's done for now and nods to himself; has his costume on but his mask off, and looks like he took quite a savage beating at least a couple days ago* We're fine. *pause* I'm going to need to talk to Rogers about security here in the future. If we're going to use this hideout more often, we're going to need to think about it.

What about you guys? You have a base already?

Tim: Hm, alright. *Small nod.* Yes, we do.

Marc: Might be that I can find a use for it. *Cap comes down, says that everyone's here; to Steve* All right, bring 'em down.

Tim: *Skeptically raises eyebrow - he doesn't agree with anyone else using the Titan base for anything without his sayso, and will make that perfectly clear later.*

[As the rest of the teams make their way down the stairs, Marc stands in front of the whiteboard with Tim and Cass; he's in costume, but his mask is in hand, and he looks like he's taken a savage beating recently.]

Marc: *looks to the assembled supergroups, including the Titans, X-Force and the Door&Truth duo* Hey. Good to have you here. Why don't you take a seat.

Door: *glances around nervously before sitting*

Phoenix: *Follows her and stays standing near where Door is sitting*

Marc: *waits for everyone to settle down; looks pretty, uh, grim? But he always looks grim so perhaps this is redundant.*

All right then. Let's get this started." *pause* Want to thank you all for coming here. I know you guys all have your own things to do. Beating up criminals, paying the rent, whatever. Now to save time, I'm gonna get down to business as soon as possible, so let me just get a few things out of the way.

Cass: *watches the others instead of Marc, but she's listening*

Door: *listening attentively with a slight frown*

Marc: One... *holds up a gloved hand* I'm not very good at being patient, so I'm not very good at inane chatter. Gets me angry. If anyone's not willing to be an adult here, I need to know now. *glances briefly at the Titans ... AGEIST PREJUDICE IS GO*

Tim: *Frowns slightly B|*

Impulse: *tries to talk at that point*

Tim: *Definitely a "no chatter" look from Tim*

Marc: Two... this is a serious issue. I don't know your backgrounds, so I don't know what kind of stuff you've faced. There's a lot of bad guys we could be hunting, but from what little I've gathered, this one's got a reputation. Anyone who doesn't feel they can move above the small-time crooks, face down something truly inhuman, I also need to know now, before we get started. Are we all on the ball here? *looks around the group for a response*

Door: I'm not going anywhere. *sits up straighter, looking at him seriously*

Phoenix: *He's been paying complete attention, but he does manage to straighten a bit more, and yes he did just fix his tie*

Shatterstar: *quick nod; wants to get to the good part*

Cass: *cocks her head at him slightly... that's a yes, apparently*

Cannonball: A' course.

Tabby: *pops her gum and smirks, leaning back into Sam's shoulder* Sure thing.

Tim: *Very slight nod. ... Still in Bat-face mode B|*

Impulse: ...What ball? I don't see a ball. Are we supposed to be standing on a ball? Oh, is that a metaphor for the planet Earth? Cause I don't think anyone is entirely sure we're- *someone cuts off Bart at that point I'm sure*

Tim: Figure of speech, Impulse.

Marc: *eyes Impulse; first warning glance of many* All right, good. Now, introductions first. For those of you who haven't met in person, my name's Marc Spector, also known as Moon Knight. I've been at this little vigilante game for a long while. Seen a lot of things. I don't have any superpowers, at least not in my world, but I get things done anyway.

Unfortunately, being transported here means that I'm separated from a lot of my tools and finances. Because of that, I'm putting aside my one man army mentality for a while. I'm going to be relying on you guys to get things done.

Now, to the fun stuff: Most of you know why you're here. I've asked you to come because there's a killer among us. Another glitch in the Stark-tech transporter. Not as much a name-brand as say, Carnage, but probably just as deadly. His name's the Pyramid Killer, and I'm told that some of you already know about him.

Tabby: *rolls her eyes and mutters to herself* Oh great, Stark's done it again. The asshole.

Cass: *looks to see if Tim's B| face has gone away yet (she knows it hasn't); also because is that his cue?*

Door: *should probably speak up at this point, but waits - just to see whether anyone else has information*

Tim: *No, it's still there B|* And some of us have fought him already. He seems to be supernatural, powerful and ruthless - possibly, he isn't even human.

Door: *quickly* He's not human.

Tim: *Cocks his head at Door.* How can you be sure?

Marc: *nods to Tim, glances at Door; keeps quiet for now*

*okay lies, he speaks up* That's a good question. Door, right? Why don't you introduce yourself and tell us what you know about him.

Door: Er. Right. I'm Door, and I - we *gestures at Phoenix* - ran into him a couple of weeks ago. I don't think he's human because - *She frowns.* He reminds me of . . . the sort of thing I used to run into at home. The sort you can't really tell what they are, but there's just something . . . wrong about them.

Tim: *Thoughtful* So you're not sure, but it seems like a strong probability. Okay. I agree that it felt wrong, when I was fighting him, but I'd rather not act on the assumption that he's not even slightly human under there until we can be certain.

Door: Right. Sorry. What do you think we should do?

Marc: I'll get to that. Right now, we should be talking about what it can do. All of this--*waves a hand*--bit too speculative.

Door, where'd you find him, and exactly was it doing when you caught up with it?

Jen: *interrupts* If you could fit a physical description in there, I'd appreciate it.

Marc: *nods in agreement*

Door: He was at an alley a few blocks from the park. When we found him, he was - *She shifts in her chair.* He had somebody. On the ground. And was . . . *tries to put this well* destroying the body. *glancing at She-Hulk* He's extremely tall and has a helmet shaped like a pyramid.

Phoenix: It was wearing an apron. Like a butcher's apron. Leather and covered in blood.

Tim: *Is just going to spend this entire meeting being vaguely sour at Marc, isn't he? B|* And he carries a large, knife-like blade.

Jen: *flippantly* Oh good, I love a good codename-enforcing hat.

Door: *snorts despite herself*

Tabby: *snickers* It's totally the in thing this season, y'know? Along with long, stupid speeches and really dumb henchmen.

Marc: *eyes Jen and Tabby with a brief 'cut-it-out' glare, but lets it go* Right. *turns to Door* Did you engage him?

Door: Er, for a while, yes, but - my power's not much good in combat, and we had - we had to leave.

Marc: Oh, and before anyone asks, the green girl back there is She-Hulk. Jennifer Walters. She's a pretty new addition to the City, but she'll be sitting in on this meeting. Up to her if she wants to join the party.

But thank you, Door. Robin--*looks to him*--Mind telling us about your run-in with him?

Door: *smiles at Jen lolwat you are green*

Jen: *obligingly de-hulks for a moment* I might gate-crash it. Sometimes, I dress down, so don't be shocked. *goes green again*

Cass: *nods at Jen politely*

Marc: *looks away - hiding a smile?!?! damn you Jen and your sense of humor*

Tim: Hm, of course. *His voice gets all clipped and distant, like he's reading from a report rather than remembering things.* I saw him dumping a body, so I confronted him. The alley around us... changed, a sign of his supernatural abilities I believe. He was difficult to fight - strong, deceptively fast, and as he didn't react differently to being hit in the joints, he may have a reduced sensitivity to pain.

Marc: *nod* All right. So we know those things. Big guy, triangle for a head, carries a big knife. Strong. Fast.

Ric: *has been listening from the corner that he's leaning into* Sounds about average for around here.

Door: *regretfully* Jaime should be here. He ran into it too.

Cass: *carefully, so no stuttering* Alizer told me it is from her world. That it's an executioner, and shouldn't exist. Not so average?

Tim: Mm. *He kind of agrees.*

Door: *quickly, glancing at Cass* An executioner? What kind of executioner?

Marc: *looks between Rictor, Door, and Cass; seems thoughtful*

Jen: I really don't need the details of how he goes about being an executioner.

Door: No, I meant - executioners are generally . . . appointed.

Cass: *shrugs* She didn't have anything else...

Marc: I agree with Jen. We can talk about this Alizer's testimony later. Anyway, there's a point that no one's brought up yet. Door, you tried to call people on the communicators, right? Voice recording when you found him? What I remember was: there was a lot of static, lot of weird noises. Wasn't totally clear what was going on.

Door: I didn't try to, it was an accident, but - was there? *looks confused*

Marc: *nod* Yeah. You freaked out a lot of people. Surprised no one mentioned it. *a beat* Seemed like there was a lot of interference with the communicator. Could be that this was part of its aura. Actually, that brings another question to mind: Has anyone heard this Pyramid thing try to contact anyone? Use the communicators?

Door: *shakes her head*

Marc: *looks around searchingly*

Tim: Beetle's armour couldn't pick it up, either.

Marc: *glances to Tim* Armour? Explain.

Impulse: *uses his great detection skills and interrupts yay~* Jaime's the new Blue Beetle? What?

...When am I meeting him?

Tim: *To Impulse* Not right now. Soon.

*back to Marc* He has an AI and such in his armour, and cameras. He could see the creature, but they couldn't.

Ric: So... what are you saying here? His triangle hat is like Mags' bucket head? Nobody can pick him up with it on?

Marc: Well, if it's screwing up both the communicator and this armor I'm hearing about, could be that this guy's abilities include screwing with technology. That's something to keep in mind if we're going to be using these like walkie talkies.

Door: *totally knows what walkie-talkies are =_=*

Marc: Anyway, let me just wrap up everything I've just heard. Scary guy with a triangle head. Kills people. Superhuman strength, ability, and endurance. Hangs out in alleyways, doesn't communicate. Possibly inhuman. Able to screw with whatever technology is in the area, and... *pause, glances at Tim* does something to the area around it. *pause* That's a bit of a blank spot, actually. How exactly did the area change?

Jen: *sharply* He changes his surroundings?

Tim: ... Yeah.

Shatterstar: He could be some sort of reality warper. That could explain the technological interferences.

Tim: *Pauses thoughtfully* It got darker, first. Then blood and guts appeared in the alley - it definitely didn't look like an abbatoir before.

Marc: *looks to Star* Good point. Shatterstar, right?

Door: *nods, biting her lip*

Jen: Let's hope he's not a reality warper. That's the worst case scenario.

Shatterstar: *looks at Marc* yes. But reality warping seems plausible, especially considering what we've dealt with back home.

Tabby: *wrinkles her nose* Ewww, a reality-shifter guy? That's icky. I mean, we can totally kick his ass because we're awesome, but still. Ick.

Marc: *nod* Let's talk about that, actually. Hold on... *gets a felt marker, starts jotting down footnotes about P-head's abilities* This is going to be a bit high school, but we might as well work with what we've got.

Jen: *is not snickering* *really* Glad to see you're prepared there.

Tim: *Raises eyebrow.*

Marc: *glances to Jen - STFU glare is go* Anyway. So he changes the environment. *glances to Jen; still looks a bit pissed off* You've had experience with reality warpers before. Let's assume this is really is a worst case scenario and this is what we're dealing with. What could he--it, be capable of?

Jen: He could be capable of rewriting the entire history of the world for the past fifty years, going so far as to change 80% of the world's genetics.

Door: *blinks* That's - what?

Tim: ... Hm.

Jen: Or he could cause the entire Kree and Skrull armadas to appear over Manhattan and bring out the worst in half of us, causing mass destruction.

Domino: Gotta love the optimism here. Reminds me of home.

Marc: ...That's pretty out there. We don't know if there are Kree or Skrull in this world. There's definitely no Atlantis. Checked with Namor.

Door: *is completely lost*

Jen: He asked what reality warpers do, and that's just in the past few years.

Marc: *notices Door's confused look; sigh* We're talking about aliens here, from our universe. Don't worry about it.

Door: Er. Right. *Like Teddy?*

Cass: *glances at Tim-- they don't have to research an entire other universe's superheroing history, right? RIGHT?*

Tim: Given that this creature only seems to affect his immediate surroundings, and not in quite such... elaborate ways, I don't think we'll be dealing with anything on that scale.

*Oh yes, he will be researching as much as he can about that, Cass B|*

Marc: *looks to Tim* Agreed. Let's refocus here. Right now, this Pyramid-head guy hasn't been doing much other than alleyway murders. Could be he's not even sentient. Could be, like Batgirl mentioned, that this thing has a... I don't know how to say... executioner mentality. Might be targeting people. Who really knows. If his angle was mass chaos, I think we'd be hearing from him a lot more than we are now.

Tim: *Does not point out that the tangent was Marc's fault~*

Marc: *was not :|* But like I said, he's been keeping quiet. *remembers to jot down the possible reality warping thing, with question mark* So that brings us to our next question. How do we find this guy? How can we track him down?

Door: *looks at Tim* How did you find him? Did you just run across him?

Tim: Yeah, when he was dumping a body.

Door: No help there, then . . .

Tim: If he's an executioner, there might be some link between his chosen victims, ignoring the heroes who just ran across him.

Door: So - he goes after criminals?

Tim: *Shakes his head* I don't know - we'd have to do some research into his past victims to determine if there IS a link of some kind.

Jen: It doesn't matter if he goes after criminals or not. Murder is murder.

Door: That's not what I meant! I was just trying to figure out if there's a link so we can find him!

Shatterstar: Victim type could mean a pattern though, which could make it easier to figure out his next move.

Marc: *mild eyeroll at Jen's statement* Agreed. Do we have anyone that can look into the murders, here? Someone to look up forensics?

Tim: I can do that.

Door: Phoenix and I can help. *glances at Tim* If you dont' mind.

Phoenix: I don't have access to the police records, but a number of recent murders and their files were released to me because of my cases that I need to be looking into. I have a few autopsy reports that might be of interest in my office.

Marc: Good. *looks to Phoenix with interest, briefly* I'm relying on you guys to get on that, then. How long will it take?

Tim: If you like. *Tiny maybe smile.*

Jen: I can probably fake my way into City Hall's records, if you need help. I'm good at acting like a lawyer. *smirks at Marc, because that murder comment was totally directed at him*

Tim: Hmm. If you could, that would save me some time. I can't say for certain how long it'll take, but I would think no more than a day or two to determine if there's even a pattern.

*Reluctantly* And if that doesn't pan out, then... the only other possibility that occurs is to use those who have run into it and survived as bait, in the hopes that it considers them unfinished business, but as we have no way of knowing how it thinks... *shrugs.*

Marc: We can reconvene and share our results in two days, if you like. Another possibility is that we can look into the locations of where this guy is. Assuming his reality bending doesn't extend to teleportation, he could be operating in a specific area. With the right info, we could triangulate.

Ric: Or we could just go looking for him while you do that. If he's crazy, he'll find us.

Cass: But if you found him, could we find you?

Ric: *grins* Yeah, I think you'd know where I was.

Shatterstar: *snorts amusedly*

Door: How? *what is that grin 8|*

Tabby: *rolls her eyes at him* You're suck a dork, Ric!

Marc: *eyes Rictor; doesn't know his name :|* Yeah. Well. It looks like we will have to rely on eyewitnesses, for the moment. *looks to Batgirl* C--*shitnowut* --Batgirl, you're still doing that crime bulletin, right? We could put out what we know about this guy. Instructions on how to contact the communicators.

Ric: Let's just say I'm the walking epicenter of the city.

Marc: You know. Getting at a safe distance, not approaching him for fear of death...

Cass: Yes. I will do that. *no reaction otherwise*

Tim: ... *B| BY THE WAY, Ric, he's guessing your powers.*

Marc: *looks to Rictor* By the way, you've been pretty chatty. You mind telling us who you are and what you do?

Ric: I'm Rictor. I know stuff.

Door: . . . Oh, honestly. *huffy*

Tabby: *it's completely not worth her time to snark at you, Rictor, but she's alternately snickering hard and giving you dirty looks in her corner here. Count on it.*

Marc: *long, steady glare; WHAT DID HE SAY ABOUT INANITY?!* ...All right, fuck you too. Moving on, I think we're just about done here. One thing we haven't figured out, though. Assuming someone does sound off about this guy, how are we going to get to him? *looks to Door* You said something interesting about your powers. Mind giving me a refresher?

Door: *uncertainly, still glaring at Rictor* What about, specifically?

Tim: *Murmured, amusedly* Rictor, the walking epicenter of the city.

Door: *blinks at Tim; smiles a little*

Ric: *is silently laughing in the corner, glances over Tim* Bien, uno de usted tiene un cerebro.

Impulse: *read a book about Spanish*

What? I'm pretty sure we all have brains - except like, maybe the Pyramid guy since we don't know if he's human.

Marc: *to Tim, Impulse and Rictor; curtly* Can it. *doesn't want anyone encouraging the guy :|; back to Door* You said something about being able to open doors, right? I'm assuming you can walk through them?

Door: Doors in anything, more or less, yes. Going to anywhere, within reason. I have to be touching something to open it and have a good idea of where I want to go, but other than that, there are relatively few limits.

*totally ignoring his sarcastic assholery*

Tim: *Tiny grin at Rictor, because yes he speaks Spanish, then a politely indifferent glance at MK. Pffft, silly grumpy old men. B3*

Marc: *he's trying to be srs here stfu B|* Okay. So let's say you're responding to a distress signal and someone mentions an address. Would you be able to open a door to there, arrive there within a minute?

Jen: *is trying to figure out what Marc's planning* So she can go through walls. What of it?

Marc: *oh yes, he's starting to get a bit heated* Would you give me a minute, Jen?

Door: Unless some outside force is interfering, yes.

Marc: Define outside force.

Door: We were just talking about reality-warping powers, weren't we?

Jen: *mutters that Cap is so much better at conducting meetings*

Cass: *makes a shushing noise at Jen, but also smiles through the mask, amused*

Jen: *waves Cassie off* What's he going to do? Moonbeam me to death?

Domino: Careful now. He might hit you with his Mooncopter.

Door: *twists her mouth into a frown, toootally not laughing snortgigglesnort*

Tabby: *totally trying to choke back laughter* You have a Mooncopter?

Tim: *Rolls his eyes behind his mask, masterfully not smirking at all.* We do have speedsters who can get there, and carrying one or two people with them, if Door's power is blocked.

Jen: Moonplane, and he doesn't have one since the last time he crashed it.

Marc: *to Door* True. *glances around the room; damnit Tabby he is NOT having that conversation again* Excuse me, Tim. I'm sorry, but are we having a problem with my leadership skills here? Because I seem to recall mentioning something about inanity.

Impulse: *frowns* Hey! I can be totally useful what do you have against speedsters? -_- We're totally not inane!

Cass: *oh, so they have piloting prowess in common too >_>*

Door: *sighs, glancing with a touch of frustration at Phoenix*

Phoenix: *Shakes his head, looking mildly irritated*

Marc: Jen, don't make me the schoolteacher her. You wanna make jokes, go to the fucking communicator. We're almost done, so let me answer the questions I want to ask, so we can get out of here. *glances at Impulse, okay so his patience is waning* And can someone gag that kid, for the sake of my sanity? *rubs temples*

Tabby: *waves a hand at MK* Dude, like, calm down. He's a kid and you're being a hard ass.

Marc: *doesn't say anything, but has enough of an admonished expression to show that Tabby made her point =_=*

Jen: *ignoring MK* *for now* Cap said most of the Young Avengers were here. If Wiccan is here, we could ask him to provide transport.

Tim: He is. Magic might be a good bet, too.

Jen: I wouldn't be so sure that he uses magic. I've seen his SHIELD files.

Marc: *totally breathing out steam from his ears here* Okay. Call him up. Transport would be great. Just to make sure, Door. If you knew about all of our locations, would you be able to provide transport as well?

Door: *quietly* Wiccan's having some problems right now, but . . . I'm sure he'd be glad to help.

And yes, I would.

Cass: *sighs a little*

Ric: *eying Jen with extreme suspicion* You're SHIELD?

Marc: She was with Iron Man and his registration squad, before she started suing him. We can talk about that later.

Jen: I was, but... *nods at MK* That.

Impulse: ... *doesn't get it and understood it 'your shield'* What about her shield? She doesn't have a shield O_o

Tim: *Shushing motions.*

Marc: It's a military organization, kid.

Tabby: *to Impulse* What he said. Buncha government dudes being all uptight and stuff. SHIELD's just, like, an acronym thing, y'know? Stands for, like, Supreme Headquarters International blah blah blah whatever. *shrugs* You know what I mean.

Ric: *doesn't say anything but is now glaring at the green chick*

Door: *that zipping noise is all of this going over her head oh well*

Marc: One last thing: I'm assuming he's going to be in an alleyway when we find him. If we is, I'd like to coordinate a bit. Best way I can think of keeping him there is to surround him on both sides. If we can, I'd like a map of the city here, so we can coordinate.

Tim: *Taps on his comm and sends a map to MK wordlessly.*

Marc: I'd also like Door and maybe this Wiccan guy to maybe look over the map as well, so we're on the ball when he shows up.

Door: Of course.

Tim: *... and to Door*

Door: *smile of thanks BECAUSE MK WON'T*

Marc: *MK hates you all, so u no* Anyway. That's all I wanted to talk about. Any of you have any questions, need anything cleared up?

Cannonball: So---what part do y' want X-force to play in all a' this?

Ric: The same part we always play. We get to play the superhero Marines.

Marc: Well, the main part is bringing down this Pyramid Head guy. From what I heard, you guys are heavy hitters. I don't really know your powers, though, so if you could introduce yourself and explain?

Ric: Sam's got a jet engine in his ass, Tabby blows shit up, Domino's the luckiest bitch you'll ever meet and has more guns than the Taliban, Shatty can decapitate anyone within 30 yards in 10 seconds or less, and if you haven't figured out what a guy who calls himself Rictor can do, I give up.

Door: *laughing, okay, she officially likes you now*

Cass: *sighs a little*

Cannonball: *also sighs, but it's not like Rictor was inaccurate.*

Tim: *Hides his mouth with his hand YOU CAN'T TELL IF HE'S LAUGHING OR SIGHING.*

Impulse: *hasn't figured it out -_- It's pretty obvious on his face and looks at Tim with a ???? look*

*whispers to Impulse* Tim: I'll tell you afterwards.

Shatterstar: *just grins*

Jen: *is suddenly UBER occupied with her comm so that Marc doesn't catch her laughing*

Marc: *stone silent glare* ...Thanks for clearing that up. Tim, you mind giving me the rundown on your team's powers?

Tim: *Eyebrow raise - yes, he DOES mind, but.* Impulse is a speedster. Superboy has tactile telekinesis - don't get him started on it. Stature can change her size.

Impulse: *chuckles at the TTK mention and just - can't stop giggling, sorry XD* *between laughters* He can do - other things - too!

Robin: *Smiiiiiles.*

Marc: ...*so much left unsaid* That's the rundown?

Tim: Of those who are participating and don't mind disclosing their powers.

Jen: So... basically, Quicksilver, Phoenix and... wait a second. How did Stature get on their team?

Marc: ...*oh get over yourself, Tim :|* Fine. I--*looks to Jen*

Does anyone else have any other questions?

Tim: *Eyebrow raising MORE.*

Jen: *raises eyebrow right back at Tim* I knew her father.

Door: Phoenix's codename is Truth. Um. For the field.

Tabby: Eww, we hafta do the codename thing? *whines just a little* Do we haaaave to?

Marc: *eyes Tabby* It's optional. I'd prefer keeping my real name off the communicators, but that need not apply to anyone else.

Jen: Wait, what? Jean's here?

Tim: ... The Young Avengers were having some troubles. She asked if she could join temporarily.

Door: Er. No. This is Phoenix. *points at him*

Marc: *headache B|*

Jen: *blinks a few times* Marc. I have a headache now.

Phoenix: Phoenix Wright. Like the bird and the brothers, not the force and the direction. *You can hear the tired sarcasm in that as he's said this a million times* You can blame my parents for the confusion.

Door: Who's Jean? *soconfused*

Ric: A telekinetic. *is very touchy about this*

Marc: Oh, and for those you don't know, Jen - or Shulkie as she likes to call herself - does the heavy lifting. Augmented strength and invulnerability. Without the psychosis that comes with her better-known cousin, from our world.

Door: Oh. Right. *so not asking any more about this*

Jen: Shulkie's reserved for friends.

Marc: As you wish. Right. Anything else?

Tabby: *speaking up* Like, we know we're gonna hit him hard, right? But, like, if someone goes down, how're we gettin' 'em out? And where to? 'Cause, I mean, I don't think I see a healer on our teams.

Marc: Good question. *pause* We've got at least one Speedster on our team, so we should be able to get the body to a safe location. If worst comes to worst, either a speedster can transport the wounded, or Door can open up a two-way entry into an emergency room. Shouldn't be too bad.

*glances around again before deciding that question time's over* All right, we're done here. Everyone, keep in touch. Door, might be good if you can figure out a way to find everyone at once... maybe look at people's apartments, if you're so inclined.

Door: I'd be glad to, if it's not an inconvenience. *beams*

Marc: Okay. If everyone could talk with Door later about snooping about their hideouts, that'd be great. For now, we're done. Thanks for paying attention for this long. She-Hulk, I want to talk to you privately.

† sam guthrie | cannonball, jennifer walters | she-hulk, † door portico | portal, † n/a | shatterstar, † phoenix wright | truth, † pyramid head | n/a, † tabitha smith | boom boom, † cassie lang | stature, *complete, † bart allen | impulse, tim drake | robin iii, † marc spector | moon knight, cassandra cain | black bat, † steve rogers | captain america, † conner kent | superboy, † julio esteban richter | rictor

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