multi-faceted [OPEN]

Mar 11, 2010 22:08

WHERE: All over the City
WHEN: March 8-13, all hours
WARNINGS: I'll letcha know if there's any
SUMMARY: Snapshots and scenes from a strange, unusual world.

Since the moment his powers had awakened in the lab, the Mu called Blue's life became anything but peaceful or normal. A world with precise and absolute control, orchestrated by the grand machine that mankind built up to be the cornerstone of every aspect of their lives. A machine that would not have abnormalities. From that machine...

...To this one. The Mu now called Soldier Blue was, at one moment, assuring his comrades of the Shangri-La of their safety on Ataraxia, and the next, a condescending mechanized voice was droning about heroics. It wasn't the machine's voice that startled him, though. It was the world. Sounds exploded into his mind, amplified by the device over his ears. It had thrown him to the ground, mind buzzing with the noise. It was overwhelming and, more than that? Terrifying. In his panic, he'd fled. Out, out into the loud, alive world where emotions and desires ran wild and unchecked. Into the smog and the sound madness of contemporary city life. It wasn't Ataraxia. What was going on?

When he called out, no friends replied. Gone? Kidnapped? Worse?

He needed answers. But--that machine. Machine. The device in hand had to be another tool of the machine, didn't it?

Blue needed focus. Focus, and answers. Just what was all this?

• Please put the DATE in your subject lines, and OPEN or CLOSED to indicate if you're posting solo or with a friend.
• Blue's remarks may not be turn for turn; I'll indicate if he'll go on or skip tags in multi-person threads.
• Feel free to prod around other OPEN threads as you see fit!
• Any location (that's generally public) at any time is fair game! Have at it. :)
• Any format you feel like!
• Don't forget to tag yourself in!
• Need more info? Here's the OOC post about it. :)

† bakura ryou | shiromadoushi, † yusuke urameshi | n/a, † remus lupin | moony, † danielle moonstar | mirage, lyra silvertongue | lizzie brooks, soldier blue | n/a, † n/a | claude rains, † steve rogers | captain america, † koltira deathweaver | n/a, † delirium | del, † mew | n/a, *in progress, *open

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