
Mar 05, 2010 01:36

WHO: spiritgun_punk and 52cardstud
WHERE: Hiei's abandoned warehouse
WHEN: Directly after this comm post.
WARNINGS: Copious amounts of fighting?
SUMMARY: Friendly sparring matches. Probably communication failure along the way.
FORMAT: Whatever you please.

Getting know you... )

† yusuke urameshi | n/a, † remy lebeau | gambit, *in progress

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52cardstud March 5 2010, 06:40:40 UTC
Remy made good on his word, arriving at the decided-upon meeting place nearly fifteen minutes after the young man had sent him the directions. He'd stolen a car for transportation and left it, engine still running, right in front of the main entrance to the warehouse, slipping up the side of the place so that he could break in through the roof entrance and spy on his sparring partner from the rafters.

Hopefully he had arrived there first.


spiritgun_punk March 5 2010, 07:04:39 UTC
He walked right into the center of the place, hands jammed in his pockets, to look around the place. There was a car idling out front, which Yusuke had laughed at before entering, so the guy had to be around here somewhere.

"Hey! I'm here." He shouted, which was almost the extent of his English before he'd have to break out his comm to translate. Stealth was not his strong point. He was here, and he wasnt' too concerned who knew it. They'd both shown up to fight, right?


52cardstud March 5 2010, 07:18:27 UTC
Except Remy liked to play dirty. He slowly leaned back off the rafter, hooking his legs around it so that he could hang there. Cupping his hands over his mouth, he then yelled, making sure that his voice would echo as many times as it could.



spiritgun_punk March 5 2010, 07:36:41 UTC
So grandpa had a few tricks up his sleeve. Irritating, but Yusuke turned on the spot with a grin, trying to place the owner of the echo. If worst came to worst, he could just start firing off his spirit gun and hoping he knocked the guy out of the rafters.

"Hey! Coming down to fight or what?" He shouted, feeling himself coming up very rapidly to the end of his English. Maybe he should have enrolled in a class.


52cardstud March 5 2010, 08:07:17 UTC
"Now, now, boyo! Ya can't go begrudin' an old man his playtime!"

He swung back onto the rafter, slowly tiptoeing over toward where he had heard the boy speak from. Once there, he looked down, leaning against one of the girders to hide himself. It the boy moved, he'd throw a small rock off toward the distance, hopefully distracting him.


spiritgun_punk March 5 2010, 15:54:06 UTC
Pulling out a dictionary was probably a poor move. So Yusuke stuck with what he knew, which was turning towards the voice and shouting, "Get down here!"

Or maybe he should just go up there, he realized belatedly. He cast about for some quick, easy way to get up into the rafters, eyes settling on the stack of boxes piled at the far end. With a running start...

He didn't think this through beyond getting up into the rafters, just set off running and jumped from box to box to box and launching himself upward, grabbing the nearest beam and swinging himself up onto it, immediately looking around for his opponent.


52cardstud March 5 2010, 15:59:51 UTC
At least the boy had some brain in him. After watching him make his way up toward the rafters, Remy kept absolutely still, sliding his frame behind the nearest girder in an effort to hide himself. All there was to now was wait for him to pass near-by....


loool this assumption of his stupidty transcends genre. xD spiritgun_punk March 5 2010, 16:09:16 UTC
Now was one of those moments he sort of wished he was better at sensing spirit energy. He swung from rafter to rafter, keeping his eyes peeled.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are." He muttered in Japanese, landing on another beam with a clank.


it's the charging in to an unknown fight that really gets Remy xD 52cardstud March 5 2010, 16:13:40 UTC
He eyed the boy, slowly palming a small marble into his hand. Remy knew he couldn't do much structural damage to the place without running the risk of it collapsing on top of them -- not to mention that talking down to he'd face from Emma or Scott -- so he slowly took aim to the left of where his opponent was facing and let fire, snapping his fingers in a way that make the marble rocket forward rather quickly.

Upon impact with the empty space of girder, it would explode in a bright blast of purple energy.


this is really his version of making friends. "hello, let's fight" spiritgun_punk March 5 2010, 16:25:50 UTC
He leapt away from the blast with a shouted obscenity. Was this guy armed with explosives? He'd been sort of hoping to avoid using his spirit gun, but it seemed like it was going to be necessary. He fired it off into the direction the marble had come from, or at least, the direction he'd thought it came from. If nothing else, he could use the light to try to see where the hell his opponent was hiding.


best first impression ever. 52cardstud March 5 2010, 16:30:31 UTC
Gambit naturally dodged whatever energy was coming his way, sidestepping it in the most arrogant manner he could pull off without coming into contact with it. Once the "bullet" had passed, he began to clap, the fading light illuminating the smile spreading across his face.

"Nice try, boyo."

And then he was dropping down to the floor, already making his way to the large amount of crates stacked near the side of the warehouse. The perfect hiding spot.


he tries. xD spiritgun_punk March 6 2010, 02:21:53 UTC
He liked this guy, even if all his ducking and hiding was a pain in the ass. Yusuke bowed, before jumping down after him. This was turning into more of a game of hide and go seek, which wasn't exactly Yusuke's element. He was much more straightforward; all of this seeking Remy out was throwing him for a loop. He fired off a few shots, noting the damage they were doing to Hiei's warehouse. Oh well. Maybe Hiei wouldn't notice...


52cardstud March 6 2010, 22:32:48 UTC
The kid had no self control, that much was certain. His shots went wide more often than not, peppering the ground with small blast marks; how green was he, exactly? Remy couldn't afford to have the entire place come down on them both just because some brat thought there was no such thing as finesse to a fight!

He hid behind a stack of crates as whomever his opponent was began to near, slowly waiting for the boy to pass him.


spiritgun_punk March 8 2010, 05:10:23 UTC
Self-control, no, Yusuke didn't have much of it. He was too impatient for this sort of fight, and the impulse, even after all his training and experience, was still to charge in with spirit gun blazing. And usually, demons came charging right back out at him. The whole luring his opponent out thing wasn't exactly suited to Yusuke's style. He poked through the crates, skin prickling as he listened for his opponent.


52cardstud March 8 2010, 14:05:29 UTC
A handful of marbles, charged just enough to give a bit of a sting if they went off near someone. Remy rolled the small orbs toward the teen, leaning down so as to not make them bounce once they were let go.


spiritgun_punk March 9 2010, 02:55:13 UTC
Marbles. Faintly glowing marbles. Yusuke watched, quietly incredulous, as they rolled across the floor. Was he supposed trip over them or--

He didn't get to finish that train of thought, as two of the marbles connected with his sneaker and exploded. It was a fun two minutes, as Yusuke tried to hop out of the way and either stepped on a marble or somehow his foot connected with them. New sneakers were apparently going on his shopping list.

"Cute trick." He called, leaping up onto the top of the stack and looking down, catching a flash of coat whipping around the stack. Next time, they were doing this out in the open, he resolved as he leapt after Remy.


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