(no subject)

Feb 27, 2010 13:10

WHO: Joker!Dick and Wally
WHERE: Outside.
WHEN: The night he is being switched.
WARNINGS: Violence.
SUMMARY: Dick has been switched for his future self. Which means there's a new Joker in town.
FORMAT: Quicklog

[Dick is on patrol that night. It's a slow patrol and he's not really in a good mental state for it, but it's better than doing nothing. Batman suggested they patrolled together and he said no. It's the first time he refuses to patrol with Bruce and it didn't feel good to tell him, but he knew he would be more comfortable tonight alone.

That patrol's slow and borderline boring until a bit before midnight when his communicator makes a weird sound. Dick wasn't expecting anything, but he certainly wasn't expecting to hear the robot's voice. He starts understanding halfway through and swears a few time loudly. He can't be changed. He can't. Last time it didn't go well and he doesn't want anyone else to meet his future self ever. Especially Wally and Roy.

He tries contacting Batman quickly to tell him what is happening but before he's done with any number, Grin Bitch finishes her message, and he feels a small electric current go through him. It's the only warning he has before fainting.


He wasn't on a roof a second ago. He was - he was on his way to the Cave. That's where she was, she's in the Cave, and that's where he's going.

That's where -

He's not in Gotham.

He stands up and looks around him, breathing deeply. He knows this place. It tells him something. It's a place from before. It's... it's that other world he went once when he was young. When he was vulnerable. Why is he back here?

There's no reason needed. He doesn't care. He has better things to do. He can figure out what's going on. He has -

Oh, the communicator.

He can look on there. He can get information. Is there a Batman here? Are there Robins? Others. Not him. All traitors and pretenders. They have no right.

He can keep doing what he has to do, here. There are plenty of heroes, here. Most deserve to die. He can adapt. He's resilient. He's better than all of them at everything, they're not going to get him. Ever. No one can get him.

He crouches and whistles, stretching his long arms over his head. His own Mission isn't done just because he's in another universe. He can have fun here, too.

He takes another long breath in, smiles, and lets himself fall off the side of the building, grabbing on the walls until he's down on the street. He needs to spend time catching up, figuring out who's here that deserves his attention. He needs a place to hide.

He'll look for that, first.]

dick grayson | batman, *complete, † wally west | the flash

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