WHERE: All That Jazz
WHEN: Feb 19, evening
WARNINGS: IDK? Fangirling, maybe. WE'LL SEE
SUMMARY: Alison's throwing a charity concert. Feel free to mingle, drink and chill. Just don't interrupt the show or else the Hulk might eat you! Tag yourselves in!
FORMAT: Quicklog!
You'll put my heart in a blenda. That's your x-tinction agenda... )
She's enjoying herself. Hell, she enjoys herself wherever there's booze, but she was here to support a fellow performer as well as charity.]
You police offers are such bleeding hearts for charity.
[Dani pops in, hearing Jan's comment.]
Hi, I'm one of the teachers at the school. We'll gladly take the charity.
Oh I've always been a bleedin' heart. ...Jan, right?
[She recognized her from the comms. Another woman pops in, this time someone she doesn't exactly recognize. The smile remains, however, and she nods at Dani.]
A pleasure meetin' you, I'll gladly give you my charity. It's the least I can do.
[And she goes to shake Dani's hand.]
I'm Janet Pym. Glad to see you guys are doing so well.
I'm Danielle Moonstar. We should be open by Monday. The damage could have been a lot worse. But that's work. Are you both having a good time?
[she motions to the club.]
It's getting pretty busy.
[She puts her free hand to shake Dani's when she's done with Jan. Sally always enjoyed introductions, and it was high time she started chatting with women instead of just men.]
Sally Jupiter. And I'm having a great time. It's been awhile since I went out and did something like this...I still need to get used to the change of music styles, though.
Despite being outside and on the street, he's still carrying a glass of Scotch with him. Feel free to bug him!]
Minutes later, the Cuckoos emerge looking quite pleased with themselves. When they spot Warren, they give him a wave and a knowing look.]
Done and done, Mister Worthington.
[ Beautiful work. And I assume no one's suspicious? ]
[ I have to say, the truck's a really nice touch. ]
[ That was Phoebe's idea.A motorcycle just doesn't have enough flair.We hope it helps! ]
And not leave us in any sort of debt, of course. My thanks, ladies. ]
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