It's a Valentine's Day arrest

Feb 15, 2010 17:46

WHO: Takaya Sakaki messiah_maybe, Aaron Grey grey1911, and Atsuko Jackson frobocop
WHERE: A spooky alley in a bad neighborhood.
WHEN: Immediately-ish after Takaya's LOL GUYS I'M RIGHT HERE post
WARNINGS: N/A that I can think of.
SUMMARY: Wannabe-Jesus gets arrested.
FORMAT: IDEK, man. Para?

Takaya stood leaning against the wall of the random alley he'd chosen to be picked up at. He was fond of alleys lately, mainly because they minimized risks of accidentally setting something more important than a dog on fire. He'd rather not add extra charges onto his shiny new rap sheet, after all.

He was taking a leap of faith with this Osborn character -- didn't even know the guy, had no reason to trust him. And so he wouldn't. He just saw an opportunity to get what he needed to survive, and seized it -- it wasn't as if he had any other options, or anything to really lose. Offhandedly he ran his finger along the belt loop where his revolver should be; he'd hidden it away for safe keeping. No doubt the police would seize it and he'd never see it again -- and he was a little attached to the weapon, actually. He'd done a lot of good work with it.

And anyway, if this Osborn guy decided to double-cross him, Carnage had seemed willing enough to come and get him, and Takaya wasn't fond of the notion of going through the justice system the correct, agonizingly slow way. But right now that wasn't on his mind -- he was just waiting rather patiently for the cops to hunt him down.

† aaron grey | n/a, † takaya sakaki | son of nyx, † atsuko jackson | whiplash

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