WHO: Saint Walker & EVE
WHERE: The park.
WHEN: Backdated to during Valentine's.
WARNINGS: Derp and more derp.
SUMMARY: While looking for Larfleeze, Walker discovers a spindle... and an unconscious EVE. Now what did Dr. Horrible recommend?
FORMAT: Quicklog!
[To many, it would be a hopeless venture indeed, attempting to assist Larfleeze in calming his own greed rather than simply throwing him into prison to abandon him. If anything, likely Saint Walker should bear a grudge towards him, but he sees no reason to. All is forgiven.]
[Now he just needs to find him.]
[With a blue glow around his person, Walker flies over the City, attempting to track Larfleeze. Instead he sees down below... a small group of people gathered around a fallen woman.]
...This takes first priority.
[Larfleeze can wait. Something else will catch his fancy, anyway. Saint Walker flies down and lands not far off.]
Excuse me-- here. Let me see her. I can attempt some healing.