You played it for her, you can play it for me.

Feb 14, 2010 08:51

WHO: Raven, Rimmer, other Titans if you want to?
WHERE: Titans Tower sick bay.
WHEN: Valentine's Day.
WARNINGS: Schmoop. Derp. Acres of sugar-induced vomitatiousness.
SUMMARY: Somebody's finally decided to pull his head out of his arse and take everybody's advice to wake up his lady love.
FORMAT: Bitsy's Haus of Teal Deer.

You must remember this, a kiss is still a kiss, a sigh is but a sigh...the world will always welcome lovers, as time goes by... )

† arnold rimmer | ace rimmer, † raven roth | desdemona

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darkprophecies February 14 2010, 19:17:15 UTC
Raven's mind had no dreams while in this state, no thoughts, it was almost as if her brain activity had been diminished down to sleeping and breathing, and that was it. However the farthest corners of her mind, and everything else within it soared back to life, lit up like a tree at Christmas the moment his lips had brushed against hers.

It took her a few seconds to really get a grasp on the fact that she was, indeed, waking up. She felt extremely weak, and that was really the first thing to rush through her mind - second of which being the set of emotions closest to her at the time.
Her eyes fluttered open to reveal the deep blue of her irises, before they were turned on Arnold, her expression immediately knitting into a mixture of confusion and worry.

"Ar-Arnold?" the last thing she remembered was touching the wheel, and feeling dizzy... that was in the park, and now she was...
... at the Tower? How the hell had she gotten into the Tower?


ajrimmer_ssc February 14 2010, 19:21:20 UTC
As her eyes fluttered open, he felt a rush of euphoria, and his breath escaped him in a shaking reverse sort of gasp. Oh, god, IT WORKED! ...Oh, god, he'd been told to do this ages ago and hadn't. What a complete twonk...

"Raven! Oh, thank god, thank god!" He couldn't resist leaning in to kiss her again and again, on the lips, and the cheeks, and the chin.


darkprophecies February 14 2010, 19:24:52 UTC
"Wh-wha---" she still hadn't really caught up to the fact that this had been more than just her passing out again, and waking up a few hours later. That she knew well, but right now she held no actual concept of time.

Just that Arnold was a worried mess, smothering her in affections, that after a moment, she attempted to return. It didn't get particularly far, before she fell back down against the medical bay bed, still in a daze.

"What happened?"


ajrimmer_ssc February 14 2010, 19:27:56 UTC
"Long version or short version?" he asked in between all the affectionate kisses. His hands were cradling her face, as well. This last forty-eight or so hours had really done a number on him.

And, already, the guilt beast that lurked in the back of his head started kicking at his brain stem. You should have done this right away, you're a moron for not listening, she was depending on you and you let her down...


darkprophecies February 14 2010, 19:30:22 UTC
"Short, I don't think my mind can properly process a long version of anything right now," she mused, the slightest of smirks pulling at the corner of her lips.

She did her best to actually sit up this time, groaning at how stiff her arms were. This couldn't have possibly been just a few hours, to get that sort of physical reaction...


ajrimmer_ssc February 14 2010, 19:33:00 UTC
He removed his hands from her face, finally, and helped her sit up instead, supporting her shoulders as best he could from his seat. He was worried about how shaky she seemed, but that should be expected after this weekend.

"You passed out, Garfield found you, and then brought you to the tower. You've been asleep since Friday, darling."


darkprophecies February 14 2010, 19:35:00 UTC
She smiled in appreciation at him, leaning a bit into his body's stability while she tried to rub one of her arms, to get some of the blood pumping through it again.

"Garfield, hmm?" she logged that away, before giving a pause, eyes staring blankly across the room at nothing in particular. "... since Fr--- what day is it now?"


ajrimmer_ssc February 14 2010, 19:43:21 UTC
"Sunday," he said guiltily. "Happy Valentine's Day, love."

He'd probably be beating himself up over this little mess for some time to come. Man truly did not know when to let go of his failures and mistakes.


darkprophecies February 14 2010, 19:48:36 UTC
Two entire days? No wonder he had been so worried about her, and that did explain how tired her body seemed to be.

She leaned even more weight into him, tilting her head against his shoulder with a sigh. "I see. Happy Valentine's Day, Arnold. ... I apologize if I've ruined it for you."


ajrimmer_ssc February 14 2010, 19:52:03 UTC
"No, no," he said, a small, wry half-laugh escaping him. "You're awake. You're all right. That's the best Valentine's gift you could possibly give me."

He was fussing with her hair, smoothing it off of her forehead and gathering it into a loose ponytail at the nape of her neck with his hands. It just felt nice.

"Are you hungry, love? I can go get you some soup or something..."


darkprophecies February 14 2010, 20:15:50 UTC
"I'm... not really all that hungry at the moment, no." she admitted, snuggling a bit closer with a sigh, and closing her eyes. She probably should eat something and she knew it, that's why she was so exhausted.

But her stomach felt like it had built up a fortified wall that nothing could pass through, so she'd wait in hopes that it'd go away first.

"Thank you for staying with me."


ajrimmer_ssc February 14 2010, 20:25:31 UTC
Hmngh. Damn it, woman, eat properly. But he didn't say that aloud, instead just quietly acquiescing to her brushing off of that. He was determined, however, to make her eat a proper meal with lots of protein and carbohydrates at some point today.

"Of course, my love. Of course. That's what I'm here for, remember? You get sick, land in the hospital, and I stay with you until you're better. That's just what we do. Well, twice so far, at least. If this becomes a habit I'm going to be cross."


darkprophecies February 14 2010, 20:30:29 UTC
"That's possibly the best Valentine's gift I could've gotten, then..." she murmured, before lifting her eyes to look at him directly.

"Waking up and you being there, as... corny as that sounds."

There was a pause, a brief one, but it was there. "... and you've said you'd be cross with me before, I have yet to see it."


ajrimmer_ssc February 14 2010, 20:45:46 UTC
"Fair enough," he said, his voice actually light and happy. She was awake, he wasn't going to argue with her.

"It does sound corny, but I'd not leave your side for anything. Well, aside from trips to the loo," he joked.


darkprophecies February 14 2010, 23:20:08 UTC
"I'll try to not be disappointed." she joked, before sighing, thinking something over real quick. ... alright, perhaps it was best if she did eat, the acid in her stomach was beginning to ache.

"... I'll take you up on that soup after all."


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