I can't think of anything witty it's 7 AM in the morning. Oh god why.

Feb 14, 2010 07:07

WHO: gamblers, sekaigaodoru
WHERE: The park where the invisi-mansion is?
WHEN: Backlogged. Friday night
WARNINGS: My terrible writing.
SUMMARY: Villaintine's Day event.
FORMAT: Up to Jen.

I spent seven hours writing this and it's still terrible. )

† anzu mazaki | flash step, † yuugi mutou | king of games

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This...might be a long one. sekaigaodoru February 14 2010, 16:55:12 UTC
Oh, Anzu would be mad. In fact, she was already mad. Between Bakura's illness, Yuugi not coming home, and Anzu's own feeling of helplessness, Yuugi was damned lucky that Anzu didn't tear him apart when she found him.

No. No, she didn't tear him apart when she found him. Any feelings of tearing or maiming or hurting were thrown to the wayside, seeing Yuugi on the ground in a heap, crumpled a few steps away from one of those Godforsaken spindles. Those damn spindles.

She was at his side in an instant, not caring how the cold seeped through her pant legs and into her skin, how the bite should have been reason enough not to want to sit on the ground. But this was Yuugi, and damn it--Yuugi unconscious mattered more than any bit of cold that could be felt.

"Yuugi?! Yuugi!"

She shook him once, in the blind hope that maybe he would rouse when she shook him. That maybe he'd just open up his eyes and say 'surprise~!', and she'd have to clip him in the face for making her worry. But it didn't seem to have any dice.

"Yuugi, are you okay?!"

...Unconscious, lying there...spindle...


Why did this scenario look familiar? She was sure that this imagery was in one of her old books before. But for the life of her--among her worry, her stress, and the situation at hand--it wasn't coming.

...She touched Yuugi's body, cradling it almost, in her arms.

She needed to get him inside, and quick. Or somewhere. But for a moment, all she did was study his face, searching for any signs of pain, discomfort, anything--

...No. It was slack, as though he'd just decided to take a damn nap in the middle of the park in the cold.

...Wait a minute...


Spindles...sleeping...this reminded her of an old fairy tale! One of those European fairy tales that she'd read when she was a little girl! Which one? It had a particular name, but it wasn't coming to mind...

Stupid Yuugi. Idiot, sleeping in the middle of a park.

She needed to get him inside somewhere. She couldn't let him lay out here like this...


gamblers February 16 2010, 02:43:02 UTC
The other Yuugi watched Anzu cradle his partner in her arms. There wasn’t much else he could do. He thought through all his options… If whatever caused Yuugi to fall unconscious was life-threatening and the other Yuugi fell prey to it too, then he couldn’t risk shuffling minds. There was no way he could put his partner in that much danger. Nngh… What could he do? …


Calling out to her was useless because she couldn’t hear him, but he couldn’t bring himself to sit there and do nothing.


sekaigaodoru February 16 2010, 02:55:59 UTC
Anzu couldn't get that spindle out of her mind, even as she scooped him in her arms (Huh. I expected you to be a lot heavier than this--you're so light! Are you eating okay?), carrying him back to the house. It was sitting there, back to front, front to forefront, the visage of it taunting her for some reason--why would it?

Okay, so it was reminiscent of something she'd seen in a fairy tale. A particular one, though the name wasn't coming through at the moment...Something about a princess, and a spinning wheel...

But really, a fairy tale? Really? Why would this town have spindles sitting next to unconscious people, imitating the scene from a fairy tale?

Anzu somehow had expected her arms to have ached when she had moved Yuugi into his bedroom, not even bothering to flick on the light due to her hands being busy as she tucked him into bed.


She watched him a moment, glancing over his face.

"You really do look like you're sleeping. But really, Yuugi. Why would you go and suddenly take a nap in the middle of the park like that? It's like--"



Spindle. Nap. Sleeping. Spindle, sleeping...


Anzu let out a gasp, as everything fit into place.

Sleeping Beauty!

That was what this whole insanity was resembling--sleeping beauty! That fairy tale when Anzu was a little girl--the one with the evil green witch, and the prince, and the dragon that tried to keep the prince from going and finding the Princess...

Now how did that go, again...? The Princess turned sixteen, pricked her finger on a spindle and she was supposed to fall asleep. To wake her up, the prince had to wake her with True Love's--


Oh no. You had to be kidding. If this had to be like the fairy tale...


If this was like the fairy tale then she...

She had to...

The image alone sent a blush to her cheeks.

There couldn't be. No way.


gamblers March 19 2010, 04:25:20 UTC
Yuugi was unconscious; there wasn’t much an unconscious person could do. But if he were awake, he would definitely be blushing. It wasn’t exactly a secret that Yuugi had a crush on Anzu. The mere thought of touching her hand would make him a mess.

If he knew she was going to kiss him? His reaction would be something out of a cartoon, completely over the top. Angels would fanfare and fireworks would light up the sky. Or in his case it would be the fanfare from a video game whenever a character leveled up, and the pixel-y sparkle of victory.

He always assumed that Anzu liked his other self more. To Yuugi, his other self was the cool one. He knew what to say, how to impress people. Yuugi didn’t. For a while, Yuugi thought that playing Bluebeard’s Attack during break would entice his peers. Too bad high school students were more interested in basketball than children’s games that involved maiming pirates.

The other Yuugi however, was more aware of the situation; he even saw Anzu’s reaction. His thoughts weren’t on the kiss that was to come, though. He was more concerned about his partner’s safety. Whatever the spindle was, it wasn’t good. Yuugi needed help, and he needed it fast.

Thankfully, from what the other Yuugi could tell of Anzu’s face, she knew what to do. He hoped that it would work.


sekaigaodoru March 19 2010, 05:47:21 UTC
Oh, she knew what to do all right; it didn't mean that she wasn't going to have lasting effects because of this.

For all she knew, this could have been the simple punishment for imagining those rather sweep-off-her-feet daydreams of the other Yuugi and herself, usually in a similar situation but with her lying down unconscious on the bed, rather than the other way around. But then, during that phase of her--what exactly would she define that as, anyway? A crush? Infatuation?--whatever it was, that was when she wasn't sure what he even looked like, or if that was even Yuugi at all.

Then there was that OTHER other phase, when she had simply thought it was Yuugi. But that was...

No, she wasn't going to go there.

But this was just...Yuugi. Yuugi, her best friend from childhood...the one who always smelled like soap (he was a boy, but it was very nice soap). He always reminded her of the Old Days--when things were simple, and it was just Yuugi and Anzu, not Yuugi, Anzu, Jonouchi, Honda, Miho, and the Battle Against the Evil CEO With Too Much Time On His Hands.

This was the boy whose gameboy she broke all those years ago, and protected from bullies. The same boy with the innocent smile and the childlike love of games...

And she was about to kiss him.

She let out a breath, closing her eyes and steeling herself. Her stomach was already doing flip-flops, Face burning with an unbelievable heat that she didn't think was going to go away anytime soon.

She stepped towards him. Knelt by the bed.

Her heart could do nothing but quicken, even as she moved towards him, studying his sleeping face.

This was awkward, but he was going to stay like this forever, if she didn't do something! Something, anything!

Even with this in mind, her movements were a bit slow, deliberate. Damn it, this was her first kiss. She'd never kissed anyone before, or been kissed. Soon she was going to hear soft choral renditions of "Once Upon a Dream" and butterflies soaring in the background in typical Disney style, and Yuugi was going to appear in a dress, and her in the Prince's Prince Garb.

...Okay, so Yuugi in a dress did ease the tension somewhat. It earned a soft giggle, at least. But it didn't ease the weight of the situation, or the fact that it was now or never.

She could only blush, touch his face, and lean forward, almost as though she was diving into a swimming pool.

...And there it was. Her lips, though gentle, touched his.


Hey, this was sort of nice. Wait, this was nice? Her spine had tingles running up and down it, her face and fingers felt hot, and her heart was beating fast in her chest. But there was something else to it...

A warm...relaxation, that allowed her body to simply ease, and lean a bit more in than she was willing to admit.


Okay, any minute now.


Seriously, it's been five seconds.






After Forty-five seconds on the dot, Anzu rose, staring at her best friend's face in a mixture of wonder, amazement, and absolute shock that she had A) kissed her best friend and thus gave him the first kiss of her life, and B) it had happened in the weirdest circumstance possible.


Now one would hope that he'd wake up. If he didn't, then she'd really feel stupid.


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