Ongoing; Sweet Home

Feb 08, 2010 10:14

WHO: Maggie Mui (origamiguardian) and Aki Izayoi (amonsterami). I'm also not averse to someone else tagging in later if it makes sense, and if it's okay with Aki-mun.
WHERE: Maggie's apartment in the M.A.C. and wherever else this leads
WHEN: BACKDATED to around February 1, the day or so after Aki's arrival
WARNINGS: I anticipate possible cuteness
SUMMARY: Maggie has taken in Aki after her arrival, and living arrangements need to be established, etc.

Maggie's apartment was... odd. She had not furnished it past the meager furniture that had been there on arrival--a bed, a kitchen table, and two mismatched chairs. The bed, when Aki had first arrived, had only a bare mattress on it. The table was, by lack of anything else to look at, the focal point of the room. It was draped in a blue blanket, with a large stack of books atop the blanket holding it down. From underneath the table spilled more books, and the occasional edge of a sheet or pillow.

When Maggie had brought Aki in, she retrieved a pillow, sheet, and blanket from under the table and made the bed in a manner that suggested she had seldom made a bed before--but it was at least covered, and warm. She put the girl to bed, as she was likely exhausted from her ordeal. Once she was sure Aki was asleep, Maggie crawled under her table and read a book until she fell asleep, curled up in her under-table nest of tomes and bedclothes.

Maggie was up in the early morning, going through her grocery supplies to see what she had for a possible breakfast. She had a good deal of day-old bread, cakes and rolls from the bakery she worked at on weekends, though some was getting stale. She thought she'd found a recipe for bread pudding that might work for those. Eggs, a few basic vegetables she'd managed to remember to buy before spending all her money on books, a big bag of rice.

When seeing Aki was waking, she greeted her in Japanese--coming easily to her after living with Nenene Sumiregawa for two years. "Good morning," Maggie said. "Do you like eggs?"

maggie mui | paper sister, † aki izayoi | black rose witch

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