A Meeting of Concerned Citizens [closed]

Feb 03, 2010 01:29

WHO: Palpatine, Eddie, and Slade
WHERE: Palpatine's warehouse/office
WHEN: This evening
WARNINGS: None yet
SUMMARY: Palpatine and Eddie might have goals that could work together. Slade broods.
FORMAT: whatever idek.

Palpatine sat at his desk in the dark red office that he had managed to construct for himself (with the help of some hired workers, of course, who had no memory of the event), which was very similar to his old office on Coruscant. It gave him a certain sense of...familiarity. And, of course, being on his side of the desk gave him a psychological edge in negotiating, which he assumed would be the course of action tonight as well.

He could sense Eddie approaching, and he smiled from his seat behind the desk. Oh, this was going to be fun. He gave a glance over to the corner, where Slade was waiting, keeping an eye on the proceedings. Not that Palpatine needed protection, but an extra body there to hear and keep Eddie to his word would be nice.

† palpatine | darth sidious, edward nygma | riddler, † slade wilson | deathstroke da terminat

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