WHO: Dr. McCoy, Dr Grey, Xavier's faculty, students
WHERE: The New Institute, Medical facilities.
WHEN: Saturday and Sunday
WARNINGS: Some medical terms that may or may not be completely made up.
SUMMARY: Jean realized that there hadn't been anyone with medical skills at the institute since.... forever. So it's high time for everyone to get their checkup. Drs Grey and McCoy run everyone through their paces.
FORMAT: Whatever people want!
Hanks redesign of the danger room was well underway, and in fact nearing completion. But Jean had implored him to donate his time this weekend, as there were no institute medical files on almost any of the active roster of Xmen, let alone the students and other faculty. In emergency situations, she had said, that kind of information would be invaluable, and most likely life saving. Hank had heartily agreed, as he knew first-hand that life-threatening situations cropped up all to often in and around the Institute.
((OOC)) Come see whomever you want. Just a quick series of tests for the files