
Jan 20, 2010 20:17

WHO: Sunspot and Magma
WHERE: Xavier Institute
WHEN: Backdated to Sunday night/Monday morning after the Nightmare incident.
WARNINGS: None really.
SUMMARY: Roberto has JULIAAAAAAAAANA angst and likes to punch stuff. Amara says wtf is this shit.
FORMAT: Parangst

All this fear falls away to leave me naked. )

† roberto dacosta | sunspot, † amara aquilla | magma, *in progress

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turns_to_fire January 21 2010, 01:26:22 UTC
Amara has been getting ready for bed, just after finishing some work for class the next day. She liked to be prepared despite some other teachers just winging it with their lessons. She had just showered and dried off and was brushing her hair and looking over the notes on her desk one last time. Everything looked to be in order and she was pleased with her work. Her momentary contentedness was shattered along with her door.

For a few moments, Amara could only drop her hairbrush and gape at the hole in the wall that used to be her door. Last time? It fell off the hinges. This time it was a wood explosion. Her carpet was covered in shards of wood and she was sure she was going to get about six hundred splinters.

The door had been locked for a reason. She was wearing a silk robe and little else under it. Amara scrambled to make sure it was tied tightly enough around her waist.


No, she was not pleased.


dacosta_pi January 21 2010, 01:34:59 UTC
The look he gave her was just a little helpless, as if he was processing what he just did. If 'hit first, think later' had never been a truer statement, it definitely was right then. He was still powered up, but that didn't make him look any less confused.


His voice caught in his throat after that, and suddenly it was really hard to speak.


turns_to_fire January 21 2010, 01:40:52 UTC
In the midst of her anger, Amara reminded herself to keep calm for various reasons. One being that no one needed an earthquake this late at night. Another being Roberto himself. Something was obviously bothering him. Sure, he was always quick to fly off the handle at any given event but now he just looked lost. The way he said her name made her nervous.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" she asked, immediately concerned. Walking over the wood on the floor without a care, she left some space between them so as not to crowd him. Not that Roberto would ever hurt her but he looked close to hyperventilation. "Are you alright?"

Needless to say, the door was forgotten almost entirely, despite the cold air coming into the room.


dacosta_pi January 21 2010, 01:49:38 UTC
Hearing her ask that question suddenly made Roberto feel really exposed. Why, why, why did he let himself come here and look for her?

Then he was powering down, revealing the cuts and scrapes and bruises he'd gotten from the fight, and he averted his gaze. "I saw her."


turns_to_fire January 21 2010, 01:59:23 UTC
Her eyes were wide, wondering exactly how he had gotten those wounds. None of them looked terribly serious. She could probably fix him up herself. For now, though, it was probably better to keep him talking. It was rare that he ever talked about anything he was feeling beyond anger.

"Who did you see, Roberto?"


dacosta_pi January 21 2010, 02:16:56 UTC
There was a tense pause in the air as he tried to force the name out of his mouth. It hurt just to think about it, as all Roberto could see was the way her skin was rotting. How rickety her bones seemed. How sad her voice was. Accusing.



turns_to_fire January 21 2010, 02:23:09 UTC
If Amara were the type of person to curse, now might have been the time to say Oh fuck. Juliana? But she was-- wasn't she? This City sometimes did bring people back from the dead but... could it really be that cruel? Bringing up a memory that still haunted Roberto seemed so evil. She shivered a bit at the thought.

"Tell me what happened," Amara closed the space between them, putting her hand on his shoulder comfortingly. "Where did you see her?"

At the same time, she was looking over his injuries. Where had he gotten those?


dacosta_pi January 21 2010, 03:04:36 UTC
"This demon. I don't know what he is, but he sent her after me. She was dead, and she--" his voice caught in his throat, and he slumped ever so slightly. As much as he kept telling himself that it was a trick - much like Dani's old powers - Roberto couldn't get it out of his head.

"She said I let her die and it's true."


turns_to_fire January 21 2010, 03:11:08 UTC
It sounded suspiciously like someone messing with Roberto's head and if there was anything Amara hated it, it was that. No one deserved to have their emotions toyed with. Roberto looked absolutely destroyed. This had hurt him more than any physical blow could.

"It wasn't real," she hoped, "and you know that's not true, Roberto." Amara put her hands on his face so that he was looking down at her. "You wouldn't let her or anyone else you care about die."

What else could she possibly say to make him feel better? This was one of his demons that he would have to learn to live with. All she could do was try to be there for him and assure him that this wasn't his fault.


dacosta_pi January 21 2010, 03:22:39 UTC
"I know it's not real," he murmured, clenching his fists at his sides a little. He was so angry that of all the things in his head to be thrown back in his face it just had to be that. "I just can't get it out of my head. She was a good person and she didn't deserve to die."

So much guilt was there. Even though Juliana was someone he'd loved many years ago, nothing stung worse than the guilt. Nothing. She died because Roberto was a mutant, and that's all there was to it.

"And not only that, but..."

God, what if that was Amara back home right now? Killed by Doug?


turns_to_fire January 21 2010, 03:32:36 UTC
"A lot of people die who don't deserve to die. The world isn't fair, we both know that. But what is killing yourself about it going to do?" Killing himself and breaking doors. "We have to go on living because we're still alive."

What good was it to live in the past? There were plenty of things Amara wished would just go away forever. Her mother's own death, Doug's death, everything that happened with Manuel-- but they had to be strong. It was their job, the responsibility they carried along with their powers. But on a deeper level, she just didn't want to see Roberto fall apart like this. It was painful to watch when she was helpless to do anything for him.

What was she supposed to do?


dacosta_pi January 21 2010, 03:43:31 UTC
Droga, why was he dumping this on her? Amara didn't need to hear all of this, and Roberto gave her a small nod and tried to man up a bit. "I'm sorry. For everything, okay?"

Very slowly he put his hand on top of hers and just squeezed a little.


turns_to_fire January 21 2010, 03:48:51 UTC
"You have nothing to apologize for." He was really going to give her a heart attack. First breaking her stuff, then looking like he was going to cry and then apologizing for-- she didn't even know what. Words were no good. Clearly she was just somehow making things worse.

Amara dropped her arms for a moment and then hugged him tightly. Sometimes actions were better than trying to form a coherent sentence-- Roberto could probably appreciate that.

She hoped that she could somehow convey that she was here for him, warm and alive with a pulse and that he didn't have to worry about anything.


dacosta_pi January 21 2010, 03:54:29 UTC
It was very much appreciated--and not for his usual reasons either. Hugging her was most definitely the best way for him to feel that she was okay and unhurt and he hadn't failed in that regard. Roberto held onto her tightly, still trembling just a wee bit, and dug his nose into her hair as he held her close.

"I can, uh, try and fix your door again...?"

Aw man. He made such a mess.


turns_to_fire January 21 2010, 04:05:35 UTC
She tilted her head a bit to look at the damage. As if mocking her, some plastic dropped from the wall. There was no way she was trusting this to Roberto. She would call Sam later to do it. God knows it would take Roberto a week to try to get it back on.

"We should disinfect your cuts first. Don't worry about the door right now."

Amara could always sleep in one of the extra rooms somewhere. She wasn't too worried about it right now.


dacosta_pi January 21 2010, 04:11:31 UTC
"Cuts?" he questioned, not even really realizing he'd been hurt. Roberto had been far too preoccupied with 'Juliana' to bother with Ivy's little fit she'd thrown, even if he did remember being struck with the vines and branches.

"I didn't even..."



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