
Jan 20, 2010 14:49

WHO: Whiskey
WHEN: A few days after her arrival (backdated)
SUMMARY: Whiskey discovers her ability, a guy in the park has a really weird night.
FORMAT: narrative

The first time it had happened, the first time she'd used her ability, it had been an accident. Of course it had. Whiskey had been walking through the park, looking at everything. She'd hadn't been outside the Dollhouse in so long, maybe longer than she'd thought, and everything was different and new.

She'd been walking through and thinking about why she was here, why the machine had said that it brought people here. Thinking about back home, and wondering if the machine wouldn't have had better luck with Echo or even Victor. People who had skills, programmed or unprogrammed.  She had skills, of course, but they were better suited towards guarding a building or being a doctor than they were saving people from evil.

It would be easier, she thought, if she had the chair here.  If she had the chair, she could have memories of heroes, imprints of their personalities, their skills. She could make herself be what the machine wanted. What the-city-as-nameless-as-the-day-it-was-born needed.

She was thinking about that, about all of that, while she walked. Paying very little attention to what she was actually doing, reaching out and brushing her fingers against the next person who wandered by her.  Barely even noticing until her vision went completely white, until her hearing went static.  A familiar feeling, even if it lasted just a moment.

It felt like the chair. It felt like imprinting. It felt familiar, and for a moment, all she could think about was how badly she'd screwed up at work the other day, how on earth would she tell Cathy...and then it was over, but she still had the idea of it. The memory of it. She watched the man who had wandered by her leave the park.

Everyone got an ability, she had been told this.  She knew this.  Everyone got an ability, and she wondered if she'd found hers. What else it could be, she had no idea.  It wasn't as if there were a chair or Tech in the park.

She wondered if it would be useful. She wondered...well, she wondered if the man would notice anything was missing.

The rest of the evening, Whiskey spent in the park.  Touching the people that no one noticed, concentrating on their memories. On her own.  Switching things around, and switching them back. By the end of the evening, she'd put everything back to normal.  For the most part. She'd have to experiment with it, the part of her that was still Claire Saunders thought. If it was going to be of any use to her or anyone.

It was good to be useful.


† whiskey | vasana

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