Сколько б нитей не плёл обман

Dec 08, 2009 03:49

WHO: Trowa, Perceptor
WHERE: Near the MAC, and elsewhere.
WHEN: Tuesday morning.
SUMMARY: HOW DOES I HOOMAIN? Percy does not know, and hopes that Trowa won't notice that he's not a human. Good job, Percy, you picked the one human in the city who's made it his business to creeper at Cybertronians forever.
FORMAT: It's Teal. What do you think? I mean rly.

This was all very awkward.

After Skydive had been kind enough to show him to the MAC and instruct him in the basics of eating food and taking care of himself, he had set about settling in. He'd continued his conversations over the communicator, and slowly figured out the workings of his human body, using the communicator's internet function combined with his own knowledge of organic life to figure out exactly what was going on. Ultimately, it all seemed simple enough, though, alright, expelling waste? That was awkward.

He noticed that despite his state as a human, his vision remained intact, and he noticed to his dismay that there were bacteria everywhere. He was going to have to do something about that, particularly now that he knew how badly human bodies reacted to some strains. Perhaps he should learn to identify them in case he came across something deadly.

Furthermore, he noticed that the balance modifications he'd introduced seemed intact - he could balance one-handed on the top of a chair. And then there was the plate in his chest - just under his skin, so it was invisible, but there nonetheless. Along with a troublesome Autobot brand... that would make blending in harder. At least humans wore clothes, that would certainly help, and he had no intention of going out in the cold without clothing.

Clothes were a little bewildering though. So many colors and varieties. There were some provided for him, but not nearly enough in his colors. Or did humans change their colors constantly? That seemed strange to him, how did they identify each other without a unique color schema? Maybe that was what hair and eyes were really for...

He slept poorly that night, still having nightmares about Turmoil, but that was something he was used to. In the morning, he tried that cereal-with-milk stuff he'd heard about and found it was surprisingly good. Fantastic, actually - taste was such an unusual sensation, and the intricacies of it much more varied than the way different grades of energon 'tasted'. Orange juice proved to provide an entirely different sensation. On a whim he tried the tea he found in a cupboard, given that Shockwave had mentioned it, and that, too was a vastly different sensation. His favourite of the three, in fact.

He showered, and brushed his hair, and tried to find clothes that were red and blue. There was at least a red hoodie and blue jeans. He knew he should try to change his colors to blend in more, but he couldn't help it. Even putting on the blue shirt made him feel uncomfortable, somehow, like he was in someone else's skin. He hastily put the red shirt back on. It wasn't as if he was trying to hide from his fellow Cybertronians, after all.

He took the stairs down to the lobby, not wanting to be in the lift for too long. Closed spaces like that occasionally made him nervous, particularly when he couldn't see what was on the other side of a door.

He grabbed a newspaper from the rack just inside and started reading, making himself comfortable just inside the door. No sense in going outside yet.

† perceptor | percival wallace, trowa barton | n/a, *abandoned

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