quick shopping trip

Dec 21, 2008 21:44

WHO: Cassie (Stature) and Cassandra (Batgirl)
WHERE: mall
WHEN: before the blackout
SUMMARY: Shopping! More discussion of boys! In particular, Robin, Superboy, and Speed.
FORMAT: Quicklog

Cassandra: *is dragged! she is all distracted today, but still paying attention to Cassie*
Cassie: *notices the distraction but sort of ignores it for more pressing matters* So I don't even know him that well, but I don't want to look like a dork and get him something lame so you HAVE to help! You know him so much better!
Cassandra: I think I got him something lame. He's really... you know. Serious. I, um, know his favorite candy? Sort of. he likes dark chocolate.
Cassie: *stops and looks back to her with a major pout* I could just make the chocolates... but what did you get him? Other than candy?

Cassandra: *glances around sheepishly and lowers her voice* ... new batarangs. Our throwing things. *normal voice* See, I'm... not a big help. He likes, uh.... movies? Maybe old ones.
Cassie: *thinks* Movies are lame. *looks around the mall* There has to be SOMETHING he wants. Something not completely lame.
Cassandra: *bites her lip instead of laughing* I don't know. Something useful would impress him... but he'd also know you asked me. Give him something that's very... Cassie.
Cassie: *shakes her head and sighs heavily* Something very me is like bright and cheerful. I doubt he'd like a bright pink cape.
Cassandra: *snickers a little* Well. No. Maybe a... *obviously out of ideas, but trying!*

Cassie: *wonders into a store and starts to look around* I'm at a complete loss here. I can normally think of about a hundred things to get people. But him... *irritated sigh*
Cassandra: *follows along, examining some cute stuffed animals... clearly not for Tim, but* It's him. He's difficult. Maybe you should bake him something. Boys like that. *it's what Alfred told her!*
Cassie: *nods slightly and looks at some of the dresses on sale* You said he liked Dark Chocolate right? I could bake him something with that. Along with make him some like dark chocolate fudge. *looks over to Cass* Does he like leather? I could maybe buy him some nice Leather jacket. Or... *grins brightly* Something warm! It's getting so cold out. Does he have winter... um... a winter cape? *blushes brightly*
Cassandra: I'm not sure, but.. I bet he doesn't have a lot of warm things for when he's in his normal clothes. *smiles at the blushing* And those all sound good.
Cassie: *nods and giggles* I think there was a Leather store around here somewhere. We can find a nice warm Leather jacket for him.

Cassandra: You'll have to try it on for him. *amused* Think they come with kevlar lining?
Cassie: *blinks* I don't think you can get them with kevlar lining... but we can ask. *grins brightly*
Cassandra: That's what I think of when I think of him. Want to go look now?
Cassie: *nods and heads out* Does he get shot at a lot? One of the heroes in our world, Spider-Man he was like known for being shot at.
Cassandra: Yeah. I think not as much as that. *amused again* But a lot of his clothes are... like that. *at store* Kind of expensive.

Cassie: *snorts slightly* Yeah a bit, but this is real Leather. So it's all good stuff. Plus, I haven't really spent any money in like two weeks. Other than a little thing for Superboy. So I got the money.
Cassandra: Oh? What'd you buy Superboy? *nosy! pokes through jackets with interest*
Cassie: *giggles a bit* Well.. I got him a little hand held mirror, cause he is a bit full of himself, and I thought it'd be funny. But then I'm making some little redvelvet cupcakes with his little S logo in the frosting. *looks at a few of the jackets* and a little silver dogtag. So nothing big.
Cassandra: *also giggles* Yes. "A bit". That's cute. I think he... is scared of me? Since he thinks I saw him naked. So I just got him a stuffed animal bat and, um, some candy. Do you think Robin would like this one? *holds up jacket*
Cassie: *isn't looking at the jacket and her eyes are huge* You... you saw him naked?

Cassandra: *puts her hand to her mouth, trying not to laugh* Not really. Robin said... to keep an eye on him while he was injured. But I didn't watch him walk around or anything.
Cassie: *isn't actually as crushed as she looks* Oh well... you're lucky to be able to live with them boy. All I got is Tommy. Sure he's funny and he's got a great body. But, well. *laughs softly* It's nothing compared to Superboy's.
Cassandra: Boy crazy. *teases* Tommy looks nicer. *affectionately* Kon is a mess. Maybe this one? *different jacket*
Cassie: *looks at the jacket* Does it feel warm enough, yet still light? Don't want him to be weighed down if he runs into trouble. *shakes head slightly* I'm a teenage girl. I'm allowed to be boy crazy. *grins* Tommy can be a romantic, I mean last night he took me out to see the lights and then we just cuddled.
Cassandra: Try it on? *offers* Aww... that's really nice. *pause* Are you dating now, or... I never know how... these things work.

Cassie: *she takes the jacket and and tries it* I'm not sure what we are. With Kate being here things might get strange. He was basically in love with her before. And everyone things I shouldn't be with him, cause he's kind of immature, but I do like him. *plays with the jacket a bit* It's nice and warm, and it's light enough. Think he'd like it?
Cassandra: You seem happy to me. *smile* So, it's a good thing, right? And, I think he'd like it. It'd fit better without the kevlar.
Cassie: *nods and takes the jacket off putting it back on the hanger and holding it* I am happy. I don't think I've been this happy in a while. *smiles brightly and looks back to Cass* Think he'd like a dog tag too? The shop I got Superboy's at should still have some.
Cassandra: Matching. Cute. *grins a little* Like puppies. I think he would. And then, maybe ice cream?
Cassie: Okay the image of Robin being a puppy is just too cute! *giggles and nods a bit* I'm always good for ice cream! *goes to buy for the jacket*

Cassandra: That's how we know you're doing fine.

cassandra cain | black bat, *complete, † cassie lang | stature

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