WHO: Joker, Ms. Marvel, Detective Lassiter, Shawn Spencer, Batman and anyone I forgot
WHERE: Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant
WHEN: Monday mid morning
WARNINGS: Violence, language
SUMMARY: The Joker goes to cause a nuclear power plant to meltdown. People get all up in his business about it.
FORMAT: Whatever people want. Posting order TBD, please tag yourself in.
The Joker whistled happily as he and his men walked down the corridor that lead to the heard of the nuclear power plant. He was all giddy with anticipation at the thought of getting to bring the plant to meltdown. Of course, his men thought they were just going to steal some of the radioactive material, but that wasn't nearly as fun. He would come back alive, they didn't have that luxury. Neither did the thousands, maybe millions, of other people who would be killed or poisoned by the radioactivity.
Ohhhh, it was gonna be so much fun.
"Alright, boys, let's hurry it up!" he told them, waving them on. "We've got some radiation to play with!"