If you wish to make a apple pie from scratch [Closed, in-progress]

Nov 16, 2009 00:14

WHO: Starscream, Skyfire
WHERE: Somewhere in Florida
WHEN: Sunday - Wednesday. Yes, we'll probably be tagging this log for separate days so as to not clog up your log comm ;)
WARNINGS: will probably be fluff but if anything happens I'll edit
SUMMARY: Fluff. Also, possibly they will be going to watch the space shuttle launch tomorrow. Also, enjoy ( Read more... )

† starscream | christopher astrum, † skyfire | charles sagan

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notyourchauffer November 16 2009, 06:01:42 UTC
Florida has been nice... take a step away from the cold of The City. And it was getting cold. Something that makes him nervous and gets his hair standing on end. He'd told Soundwave it was alright, that he shouldn't have been fooling about- but...


It had slagging terrified him to be trapped under the ice. Renewed the nightmares. He no longer danced on the water like that.

Here he basked in the warm sun, the soupy, humid air. Everything still buzzes with life and it's not tense as it is in The City. He wears loud Hawaiian shirts and hideous shorts with flip flops. Always followed by a parade of ducks. The locals call him "Daffy", which he seems to like just fine.

He doesn't answer the door when Starscream knocks.

"Yes- no- of course not ma'am. I'll try to keep them quieter at night. I didn't know there were complaints." Skyfire's voice rises from down the hall, a stout woman with frizzy hair following him up.

"Ah' don't mean it like that now, Charlie, but y'see the family downstairs- well. They're just snippy."

"No, no. I understand. They have every right to be. It's Starscream... he just quacks all night over anything. I'll figure something out."

"Good... it's been a real pleasure havin' ya stay here Charlie, but if the management says yer' out, there's nothin' ah'cn' do for it, 'cept give em my good honest opinion of ya."

"Don't worry, Miss Roseburg. Your kindness is more than enough incentive." The former shuttle comes into view, sunglasses perched on his head, brilliant blue eyes, smiling at the woman who stops as she sees the man at his door.

"Friend ah'your's?"

Skyfire's eyes go wide and he nearly fumbles the bag in one hand and the duck in the other.

"Yeah." He manages to stammer.

"Ah'll get outta' your hair then, y'silly kids." The comment practically lights up his face red.

"M-Miss Roseburg, I'm not a kid!" He warbles as she hobbles back down the stairs.

"When y'been around as long as I have, everyone's a kid."

Skyfire turns to blink and awkwardly point at the Seeker at his door... before smiling bright and closing the distance between them, hitting Starscream so hard he'd have knocked the other over if he wasn't lifting him up in a bear hug.


loltraitorlol November 17 2009, 07:01:10 UTC
Starscream turns at the voices, hearing his name, recognizing Skyfire's voice.

He can't help but smile at his partner's surprise.

"Your shirt is - "

He can't finish the sentence, because the air is knocked out of him with a loud wuff.

"I think that was my ribcage," he manages.

And then he smiles wryly. "She's right. You are a big kid. Sixteen thousand year old protoform is what you are."


notyourchauffer November 17 2009, 07:16:16 UTC
For a moment, the shuttle doesn't even seem to register the fact that he's being spoken to. He simply hugs Starscream tighter before settling him on his feet at last where he gives Starscream a halfhearted frown.

"I'm not a protoform. I maintain that I am far more mature than you are." He can't help but let the smile win him over again, though and he runs a hand through the Seeker's hair fondly.

"What are you doing here? I just poke to you a little while ago- I thought you had work... Not that I'm complaining." The ducks gather in a little feathery mosh pit at his ankles.

"Mm- I'm sorry. Come inside, come inside- Sit down, you must be exhausted." He opens the door, shuffling his ducks and Starscream into the small motel room.


loltraitorlol November 18 2009, 05:25:34 UTC
Starscream makes a beleaguered squeak at being hugged tighter - Skyfire has a crushing grip - and wobbles on his feet once he's on the ground.

"Eh, frag work," he says, carefully running a hand through his hair to de-muss it. "One of the many things about being the High and Mighty Leader of the Decepticons is that you can take a day off whenever you slagging well please. Which I have."

He sighed. "As for StarWave, I set things as in order as they're going to get, and I don't want to deal with the rest. So."

"And you're far more interesting than work," he said, a wry smile playing across his lips.

He walked inside, taking off his shoes at the door (Starscream, for all that he left paperwork lying around constantly, was fastidiously clean when it came to things like dirt and food) and dropping his backpack on the floor before flopping across a chair.

And then there was the inevitable. "Do you have anything to eat? I'm starving."


notyourchauffer November 18 2009, 05:39:02 UTC
As soon as the door closed, Sky made quick work of a similar ritual, wiping his shoes and taking them off, following Starscream, trying too hard not to simply beam continuously. Regardless, the smile he wore threatened to split his face.

"I'm flattered that I can one-up work, though you are a historical procrastinator." The shuttle teased gently, stretching and putting away his groceries. He returned momentarily, settling his arms around Starscream and leaning down to offer a short kiss.

Ah- of course he would be hungry. Though all the food Skyfire had, he had a feeling that Starscream wouldn't like it very much. Mostly fruit and health food.

"If you can last a little longer, there's a little Chinese take-out place down the street." He waved a hand to the fading sun winking through the blinds.

"There's a field out back- we can grab a bite and go watch the sky."


loltraitorlol November 18 2009, 06:06:20 UTC
"Just historical? And here I thought I was legendary," he says. He lingered on that kiss a little longer before letting go.

"I suppose I won't starve," he says. "And... yes, that sounds acceptable."

He stands up, looking out at the setting sun, folding his arms. "By the way, I heard that they're launching that silly thing they call a space shuttle tomorrow," he says. "It's quite near here. Would you like to go see it?"


notyourchauffer November 18 2009, 06:42:05 UTC
"The space shuttle..." He had wanted to go watch-

Naturally it didn't take much convincing, and the fact that Starscream wanted to go with him-

It was never hard to make the shuttle happy.

"I'd love to." This. This was what he'd needed. Just the two of them, no City. No work or worries to deal with. Sunshine, warm air... after the recent turn of events, it was like a gift. He quickly gathered up a bag and filled it with a few blankets and two canned, iced coffees.

"Come on then, Stars." He paused a moment, considering it... and offers his hand to the Seeker.


loltraitorlol November 18 2009, 07:10:42 UTC
Starscream hesitated for a clik, then took his partner's hand.

No worries. No thinking about factions or deadlines or obligations. Today and tomorrow, he was just going to exist here, in the moment, and for once, he was not going to worry.


notyourchauffer November 23 2009, 06:24:32 UTC
Dinner was quick to pick up at the cheap Chinese food joint as promised, and it was just a quick flight over to the fields. A blanket laid out under a tree and the shuttle leaned against the trunk, nibbling on a spring roll.

"I must admit, though I do value the thought of eating healthy... nothing really beats fried stuff." Skyfire confided in the Seeker. It was almost completely dark now, and the sky began to reveal it's stars. The moon was still a pale shadow in the twilight, sun just ghosting below the horizon.

Crickets began to scrape their collective cacophony and the evening was not without it's fair share of mosquitoes but it was not a terrible concern.


loltraitorlol December 5 2009, 07:38:51 UTC
Starscream, meanwhile, leaned back on the blanket, one arm behind his head, looking up at the twilight sky. He'd had the sense to grab some bug spray, and thus was (mostly) left alone by the mosquitoes.

"Nope," he admitted. "It's one thing I have to hand to the apes - food really is rather interesting."

He chuckled a little. "Slag, I think when we get our old forms back I'm going to have to figure out some way to install taste. I might actually miss it."

He sighed, rolling onto his side to poke at the lo mein, picking up long noodles with his chopsticks (which he had actually gotten very good at using, the result of months of a serious addiction to green curry).


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