
Nov 04, 2009 19:09

WHO: Miles Edgeworth, Obi-Wan Kenobi.
WHERE: Hell if they know anymore.
WHEN: Wednesday night.
WARNINGS: Booze, pain, bad decisions, guilt, and Desire getting its little hand in things.
SUMMARY: Actually, the warnings work quite well as the summary, too. XD
FORMAT: ...Why is this ever even a question, still?

Measure time by throbs of pain and the record of bitter moments. )

† miles edgeworth | the law, *abandoned, † obi-wan kenobi | the negotiator

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taughttolisten November 5 2009, 01:59:53 UTC
The best trait of a great Jedi Knight was patience, and Obi-Wan's was running thin.

Long years of discipline had taught him to yield his emotions to the Force and let it leave him empty and clean, but once the undead police had been taken care of, there seemed to be no relief at all. Telling Luke the truth about how much he'd wanted to be a real father to him had helped somewhat, but the moment he'd found himself wondering if Sarah could reshape her face and body into one he hadn't seen in years...

Even thinking about asking her made something inside him recoil in shame.

Most of the time he was not a lonely man by any stretch of the imagination, but lately that dark corner of his heart that missed and loved and craved like any other man had been stirring and stretching. Meditation was no comfort, and he knew he shouldn't be around his shapeshifter friends, no matter how dear.

So he wandered until he found himself in an unfamiliar part of town, and sought out a place where the alcohol was likely to be strong enough to burn the edges off of his emotions.


bluffing_ruffle November 5 2009, 02:17:14 UTC
Drinks such as tequila and whiskey had never been his alcohol of choice, although he had not touched it in some time in order to see to it that Remus would not have access to the stuff while at home. He did not consider the other an alcoholic, but it was best not to play with an affliction he couldn't perfectly understand--despite what the wizard claimed, Edgeworth thought it entirely possible that the stuff had more of an effect than it otherwise appeared to.

No, he took to things like gin and vodka and wine. It didn't really matter which he had in front of him at the moment; it all served the same purpose in the end. He rarely--if ever--allowed himself to get to the point of drunkenness, valuing his self-control above nearly everything else... but he could go through a good deal of drink before getting to that point, and was nowhere near that limit just yet.

The grey-haired man stared blankly at the door to the small bar, watching patrons come in and generally not go out again. The only people who did leave together were, to his eyes, obviously intent on one course of events--especially since most of them did not happen to arrive together.

Somehow, that only made his mood even worse.


taughttolisten November 5 2009, 02:24:26 UTC
A fairly inebriated pair of college students, both laughing and nearly radiating lust, stumbled past Obi-Wan as he made his way into the bar. Something weak and human in his heart twisted with jealousy: the last time he'd even kissed someone, the man had been thirty seconds dead in his arms.

There is no passion, he reminded himself halfheartedly, turning his attention to the bartender.

"Guinness, please."


bluffing_ruffle November 5 2009, 03:00:39 UTC
Edgeworth watched intently as someone familiar walked in, and frowned to himself. He had chosen this place because he had been fairly sure he would have privacy; it was nowhere as popular as Dancitron and certainly not in a particularly notable area of town. And yet, there was a person he knew, unrepentantly but politely ordering a Guinness.

The odds of such things happening were, as far as he could figure, slim to none. Just as being injured had been, and just as the zombies were.

He was, truth be told, particularly sick and tired of having impossible situations abruptly become possible.

Edgeworth took another sip of his own drink and continued to watch Kenobi, curious as to the Jedi's purpose in having come there at all. From what he could gather, this sort of thing was against their rules--no fraternizing of that nature, at the very least; he guessed that intoxicants were likely also off the list of acceptable things, if their order was anything like most others.

Impossible though it may have been, it was certainly intriguing. He decided to watch Kenobi, wondering if this 'Force' thing of his was as much of a cover sham as Edgeworth had found many other religious things to be. A small smirk crept into his expression, and he finished the rest of his glass.


taughttolisten November 5 2009, 03:19:42 UTC
The drink was dark and bitter, thick on his tongue; he thought he could taste smoke somewhere in the dense flavoring. Not the best thing he'd ever tasted, but the burn in his throat was what mattered, the warm relaxing feeling he knew would spread slowly through his limbs and through all his senses. A few more of these and he might be able to be entirely human for a little while, to be totally unaware that there was someone watching him--

Someone watching.

The Force whispered it to him several heartbeats before he reacted, the hair on the back of his neck prickling under the high collar of his shirt. Slowly, as casually as he could manage, he turned around to scan the room.


bluffing_ruffle November 5 2009, 03:31:50 UTC
It amused him to see Kenobi turn and look at everyone, as though he were a child checking for a boogey-man just waiting to jump out from beneath a table and tear his legs off at the knee. Edgeworth thought of himself as something less monster-like than a faceless creature underneath the bed, and as such, made no move to hide the fact that he had been idly staring at the Jedi.

Perhaps he would even get decent company out of this, if he were noticed. It would be a hell of a lot more welcome than the rest, and might keep others from approaching.

Besides... he rarely got to speak to anyone his own age outside of the workplace. This could prove interesting.


hey, if you had on expensive Jedi boots you'd be afraid for your knees too taughttolisten November 5 2009, 03:45:07 UTC
There, something in the Force murmured as he made eye contact with Edgeworth--and a half-second later he felt his ears burn with embarrassed relief.

Well. At least it wasn't anyone remotely like a Sith Lord, this time.

Glass in hand, he made his way over to Edgeworth's table, one eyebrow raised in something like dry good humor.

"This is an interesting coincidence."


I should warn you that this Edgeworth tends to have strange mental tangents. bluffing_ruffle November 6 2009, 08:10:44 UTC
Perhaps not exactly like a Sith Lord, no--but not 'not remotely', either. One's past did still make up a large part of a person's life, after all... not that anyone in the City really knew about such things, other than Wright--and he wouldn't be telling.

He continued to observe Kenobi as he walked over, looking him over. How was it that he continued to attract friends who had bizarre styles of dress? Still. It could have been worse: he could have been the acquaintance of a habitual nudist.

Thankfully, he had yet to meet a metahuman in person that had fit that particular bill.

"There are no such things as coincidences," Edgeworth replied, calmly. "You are here because you specifically chose this place, as did I; therefore, we are currently here together."

It was with an almost lazy hand gesture that he motioned to the seat on the other side.

"Do sit down."


strange and AWESOME taughttolisten November 6 2009, 14:40:48 UTC
Obi-Wan's smile turned wry--normally he would reply with some sort of philosophical comment about coincidences and the will of the Force, but this wasn't exactly the right situation, and he was in no mood to act like a Jedi right now. Instead he simply sat, offering Edgeworth a gracious nod.

"Thank you. I do apologize if I interrupted a moment of personal meditation."

A soft ripple through the Force in the bartender's general direction made the man suddenly feel that it was a very good idea to get them both another round of what they'd been drinking.


just wait until he gets round to bringing up sandwiches bluffing_ruffle November 6 2009, 16:50:32 UTC
Noting the expression, Edgeworth gave a slight shake of his head no, not particularly in the mood for light pleasantries. Not that he was very certain of what he was in the mood for, exactly, but he remained fairly positive that it was not polite smiles and superficial conversation. He had rather hoped for better, from a person like Kenobi.

Perhaps he could find a way to get the man to dispense with such idle remnants of social diplomacy. It bore thinking about, in any case.

"No; I would prefer not to 'meditate', as it were. I have done rather enough brooding for the moment."

The unexpected appearance of another drink gave him pause; he glanced suspiciously at the bartender, wondering what the man in the apron was playing at. He had no intention of paying for--or drinking--something he had not explicitly ordered.

Taking the glass, he set it down on the table and slid it to one side, keeping a wary eye on it.


....I look forward to it :> taughttolisten November 6 2009, 20:51:45 UTC
The distinctly distrustful look Edgeworth gave his glass nearly made Obi-Wan choke on his Guinness from trying to hold back a laugh.

"Old Jedi mind trick," he managed, once he found the composure to swallow. "To cut corners. Don't worry, he'll remember to bring me the bill."

He paused for a moment, studying his companion a little more contemplatively. The man had such broad shoulders--how had he failed to notice before?

"I owe you a word of thanks for the book recommendations," he went on, trying to force his mind off of that particular path.


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