Static in my head;

Oct 17, 2009 01:23

WHO: emperorshand and im_not_the_pope
WHERE: idk wherever Uncle Palps is at
WHEN: LAAAATE in the night
WARNINGS: Mental maniplation, force style!
SUMMARY: After nearly a week on little sleep, Mara goes to confront the one thing she didn't think she'd have to.
FORMAT: Paragraph!

Lines blur red )

† mara jade | n/a, † palpatine | darth sidious

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emperorshand October 17 2009, 08:14:50 UTC
No. Mara's mind started a mantra that she couldn't stop. Wouldn't stop. Skywalker wouldn't do that for her. He wouldn't just give up the years and years of purity, would he? She could still feel it on him, see it around him, and sometimes it was just off, imperceptible and on the edge of her sight, she could see it trying to creep on him, constantly.

Her fingers itched to wrench the saber from the clip on her belt, or to pull her blaster from the holster and level it between his eyes. She didn't have to use the force. She could just be what she had been for ages. Mara Jade, smuggler. Not Mara Skywalker, Jedi. Not Mara Jade, Emperors Hand.

No. She could just be Mara Jade. She could shoot the kriffing sleemo between the eyes and be done with it.

Except that wouldn't be the end. She knew it wouldn't. It would feel damn good, but it wouldn't do a world of help for her. She needed to be smart. She needed to be what he had trained her to be. This had been in contrast to the entire plan that she had made coming here. Confronting him.

"I won't do anything for you," she managed, her fists tightening at her sides. She was stiff as a board, just staring at him defiantly. "You can ask all you want, you can threaten all you want, but I'm better than that now."


im_not_the_pope October 17 2009, 08:23:42 UTC
His eyes caught everything - the almost imperceptible twitch of her fingers as they moved ever closer to her weapons, then her fists tightening as she tried to regain control over herself. However, he would not allow that. "Such a silly thing, love," he continued, musing. "It defies all logic and explanation. It makes people do silly things." As much as she chanted her mantra, her thoughts were clear to him, especially in the vulnerable state that he had put her in.

"I don't believe I ever told you the story of Lord Vader," he continued. "It truly is rather remarkable...If you don't believe that Skywalker could let himself go out of love, it will truly be a sobering reminder for you. You see, Lord Vader was once a Jedi Knight, the same as Skywalker. And he was deeply in love with a Senator from a backwater planet." He chuckled slightly.

"As his friend and confidant, he told me everything he kept from the Jedi, especially how frightened he was of losing her. It was that fear, that desire to save her, to protect her, that led him to turn to me, and destroy everything he had held dear to him, everything that meant anything to him...he single-handedly destroyed the entire Jedi Order for the sake of protecting the woman he loved." Palpatine couldn't help but laugh loudly.


emperorshand October 17 2009, 08:36:33 UTC
Mara had never been more glad that she knew she was going to die. Never in her life had she wanted this knowledge, and she had spent the past few weeks antagonizing over it. She had requested more patrols from her boss, had used every trick in the book to keep her from thinking about it.

That resolve, that was a dead end for him. Luke was still on the light side, and she had been killed by someone who was supposed to be a family member. She knew Jacen, the kid wasn't bad.

"Skywalker is better than that," she said simply in return. He was. She was dead already to him.


im_not_the_pope October 17 2009, 19:08:25 UTC
"So was his father," Palpatine replied coldly, glaring at her for a few moments, before he started to laugh once more. "And you can see where that got him." Palpatine knew he would be lying to himself if he didn't enjoy this sort of thing - toying with other people, subtly bending them to his will. The fact that she knew the full power of his will already was no hindrance.

"Of course, you may have died to him already, he has you back. Do you think he will so readily let you go a second time? Perhaps a third?" He smiled at her. "I wonder how many times he can sit back and let you die before he just has to do something."


emperorshand October 18 2009, 01:25:31 UTC
Mara sneered. "You're assuming I mean a thing to him," she snorted. "There's a reason I've known him for 10 years, and why we're only friends and I'm not a Jedi."

She was proud of that. She could stand there and tell him the complete truth. She buffed the innards of her shields, blocking off what she could from his probes, from that corridor in the back of her mind. She couldn't block him out entirely, but she could keep him from her deepest, darkest desires.


im_not_the_pope October 19 2009, 06:21:48 UTC
"You warn others to not underestimate me. Very wise of you, Mara Jade. But you should not underestimate your friend, either." He got close to her, very close, his face mere inches from her own, his eyes meeting hers, as if they were looking through her to her very soul.

"If you did not come here to kill me, then I suggest you stop wasting my time. I have no further use for you right now. Don't worry - when I need you, you will know." He raised his presence in the Force, as if it were a dark, thick blanket covering everything, weighing it down. "Do not think that you can escape your destiny, Mara Jade. And you cannot keep Luke Skywalker from meeting his own, as well."


emperorshand October 19 2009, 06:28:49 UTC
Mara stared at him coldly. "Trust me, I plan on warning more than just a few about you. You're not going to get a hold here, not without a fight," she snapped, green eyes blazing in anger right back at his. Her green eyes flashed in defiance, her mouth in a hard ridge.

"If I'm such a waste of your kriffing time, then stay out of my head," she added, her arms crossed in front of her chest. She had to remain strong, continuing her show of solidarity. "You have no idea what destiny is, you couldn't even prevent your own."


im_not_the_pope October 19 2009, 06:32:06 UTC
"You are a waste of my time. The information that's stored in your pretty little head is not." He laughed as he sensed her anger at him, turning away from her. "I have already made connections, my dear. People much like how you were - young, inexperienced, seeking power. One of them even believes that she is able to manipulate me. Even you should find that amusing."

He returned to his chair, sitting down, his eyes closing as he visibly relaxed in his chair, as if taunting her, completely unafraid of her weapons or her anger or anything about her. "I look forward to seeing you again, Mara Jade."


emperorshand October 19 2009, 06:44:23 UTC
"You never gave me a choice, sleemo. There was no seeking of power from me, but everyone just has to conform to your sadistic view of the world, don't they?" she asked, her lip curling in disgust, before she turned, striding out of the room, her arms tight at her sides, the temptation to grip her weapon, turn and shoot him straight between the eyes taking over everything.

The one thought that kept running through her mind was that she couldn't escape the feeling that she had just done more harm than good.


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